shoppa mode: problem with weapon revealing
Fri, 2009-06-19 18:13
hello, let me describe what's kinda annoying with shoppa mode. consider a network game with two human players.
crate drops
p1: player travels across the map, collects it. it is a sniper rifle (for example). he does not use it nor select it from menu, player2 does not know what he picked up. time is up.
p2: whatever
p1: hedge starts with a sniper rifle in his/her hand. damn.. now p2 knows..
hmm... can someone come up with a fix/solution?
I bet the fix would be as follows: set the last used weapon as a default for the hedgehog even if there's a new one available (in shoppa, for instance)
So, if you used a rope - then it should be activated as default for your next move