Some update videos
Sun, 2009-06-21 23:56 — Uriah
Here's our first video for you, you should be able to spot a few updates here and there in this one ;)
Let us know what you think :)
Oh and here's a bonus video for you..
Here's what our voice actor does with his spare time...
Let us know what you think :)
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Oh and here's a bonus video for you..
Here's what our voice actor does with his spare time...
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hey, i laughed epic loud at the hog-quartet. i thought that the flying saucer looked cool but it seems a bit heavy and doesnt glide too much.
I'm inclined to agree with amphibious about the weight of the UFO, maybe make it a bit lighter but decrease the total amount of fuel a little bit?
Ah, so that's the Jet-pack you've been talking about for quite some time.
Well, omho it is great! And I agree with amphibious, too. Maybe our hedgehogs should be put on a diet? 
Hmm really a good idea, UFO looks nice!
So, consider making it just a little bit lighter...
But, I agree with previous orators - it could be a little self-supporting, i.e. not fall as soon as you release the throttle (gas?)
UFO looks great. What about 'weight' - I think we should just
play for some time to determine, is it OK or not.
Hey guys,
About the weight, the videos are deceptive.
The problem is, because we are working on the zoom feature right now, the camera is broken, it doesn't follow the player. Meaning to keep the Ufo on screen I had to stay close to the ground, I couldn't fly up high. So what you are actually seeing in the video is me applying lots of little up thrusts, because the up thrust is so small, it falls again quickly.
If the camera had been following me, I could have shown you that if you tap up several times in a row, to apply lots of upthrust, when you release the thruster, your ship continues upwards, before falling.
The weight is fine
Nemo was responsible for the code, and I have to say it's GREAT fun to fly, it also requires a fair amount of skill, which I'm happy with.
If anyone is wondering, you can jump into the air, then launch your ship. Or you can rope into the air, drop from rope and jump into your ship.
You can also jump out of the ship and use your rope. Or parachute. You can use your ship to save yourself if you accidentally fling yourself towards the water on your rope.
You can drop all the same weapons you can drop on rope with the ship.
Any other questions?
The UFO is sweet.
Another video for you guys
This one I used the zoom feature to show you a bit more how it flys, though I'm still constrained by the camera
Also note that zoom quality in game is MUCH better than this, blame youtube for ruining the quality of the video
I like the idea, seems challenging!
Can't wait to try it out *_*
Keep it up!
I've noticed though the you've named the weapon jetpack...Well, wouldn't it be better to call this one UFO and rename the old UFO to something else...Like Baby UFO
Because this flying dish
looks more like the thing people call UFO than the other...
Looks good but what's up with the on screen commentary? That might get annoying after a while, would there be a way to turn it off?
^ Not remove it but make it either in seconds (like a TNT, cake etc.) or like a small bar somewhere on the bottom or top (like the wind direction's bar).
rbaleksander, I was under the impression he was referring to the commentary when someone is injured/dies/drowns etc
As for changing it to seconds instead of fuel - that removes a significant skill element in my mind.
And placing it elsewhere would require writing a new screen routine just for that text. I don't think it is incongrous enough to warrant it.
BTW, I think other weapons could stand to have status text too. I added a shots remaining for deagle, but I'm thinking maybe weapons that count down (like cake) should have notification text.
You're right
And I didn't think of the screen routine (silly me
). But you can at least make it with some fancy font-style...I always thought (in Worms too) that this text messages aren't fitting the game's style at all. It's very useful no doubt, but still somehow ugly. I like the new style for the seconds-counter. It'll be cool if we have something for the other labels like this one. 
As for the fuel-counter...You're right here too. With seconds-counter one would be able to manoeuvre more around the screen...So the plate-thingie'll be overpowered...
The shot's counter is a good idea but it would be much more suitable for the cake as you mentioned it.
EDIT: The commentaries should stay omho (or add a turn-off option for the easy-to-get-bored guys
). If they are witty enough, they'll never get boring. I've always liked these things in Worms. Some jokes, a little bit of laughter - great atmosphere. 
The font for seconds are hand-drawn digits by Tiy - that isn't going to happen for text.
If you can find a more attractive (and most important, free) font for the game, feel free to point it out.
WRT fuel counter - Smaxx had a nice idea on that front.
Check that out.
Especially by great resolution it'll be annoying if your flying saucer is at the bottom of the screen and you have to look the fuel-indicator at the top...
One thing only - if you decide to make it that way, it'll be better to use it only for such the flying saucer (or future weapons similar to this one). I'll tell you why - because grenades for example have a predefined timer - you set it and throw the thing. The situation by the saucer is totally different. There you have to watch the fuel-bar because the whole flight depends on this. It's a "more realtime dependency" than by the weapons with a timer. Hope you understand a bit of my mumbling.
About the font - make it more round...Comics-like.
Well, the useful thing about seconds countdown on a grenade is if you hopelessly screw up the timer you have a better idea of what you should set it to.
I don't know but when I throw a grenade, I just look where the big red thing will fall. Watching the timer there is too engaging (hope this is the proper word
). What I mean is I'm interested in the trajectory of the object, not in the object itself. The flying saucer is different because there you're interested in the trajectory AND in the object itself (fuel + secondary weapon to use like mine or TNT). It's almost the same as by the rope...That is if I understood you right. 