[map] battlefield
Fri, 2009-07-10 10:54
Hi people!
The game is just great. So I came here, read the guidelines and made a map.
Tell me if you like it and if it fits the guidelines, I didn't use gradients, I used bold outlines and tried to be cartoonish. I still want to refine something though...
EDIT-- new version posted
It's great.
And it fits the HW-style perfectly! If you can add a skull or shield, it'll be even more awesome. 
EDIT: Better make the blade of the axe be in the ground...Like the sword's blade.
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it.
Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. 
I'm trying to add a skull and some grass. I'll try to turn the axe upside down too
Here! -> http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/7894/mapo.png
Nice map, it looks as if it's not finished yet, so I decided to give you some pointers.
You seem to have the art style down well, and you clearly have talent, so hopefully if you improve the map a little and finish it up we can include it in the game.
I've annotated your final link
Will be nice to see what you end up achieving.
Hi, ok I've seen your annotations and I fixed some.
I will draw the rest of the skeleton, in the meanwhile:
1) I've added some white to the sword blade
2) The grass came out from under objects because I didn't like too much grass comin out randomly, and also because I thought it would make the map unplayable. I tried adding some here and there, have a look. As for the grass outlines, I liked the dark green outlines because they made the grass look less intrusive, I've made them black, see which you think is better.
3) I'll fix the teeth and draw the skeleton
4) A metal cap like this?
5) Antialiasing: ok I've exported from inkscape, opened with gimp and added antialiasing but it doesn't look very effective to me...
Added the skeleton, needs some fixes but here's what came out:
Hey again,
First off, fantastic work, you really produced exactly what I had in mind and I'm definitely happy enough with it already to put it in the game! So if that's cool with you we'll go ahead and do that when it's done.
If you feel like jumping on irc/chat, either through your IRC client on freenode at #hedgewars, or just clicking the live chat link at the top of the site, perhaps we can do some work together.
To answer your 5 points I've done another annotation.
Forgive my endless criticism, but it's purely constructive
Forget the comments on antialiasing, it looks fine in game.
The wooden handle on the axe looks odd though, it almost appears to have no outline because it blends in with the background (on nature theme) far too much.
THis one might be the good one!
That is an awesome map. I really hope you do some more
"If you want to play a game that's exactly the same as worms. Play worms." - Tiyuri

Thanks, I will
I'd try to remove the too small gaps/enclosed transparent areas between gras. Such things can get very frustrating when stuck between them.
this map gets pretty good, i agree with smaxx on the gras though. is it just me or does the feather on the arrow look a bit odd?
Ok, I will fix the grass. What is that looks odd about the feather?
the perspective (the darker red lines) is a bit "weird", that's right, you mean that?
Well, it's ok omho.
A little bit too thick for feathers (notice the line on the top right side of the arrow - it gives the impression of thickness). As if it's one of those plastic arrows for toy-bows. And the perspective is a little bit wrong. Look at the top of the stick of the arrow and then the place where the metal tip is connected to it - different perspectives.
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it.
Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future.