Rope dragging

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akiross's picture
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I was wondering: what happens when you throw a rope to another hedgehog?

Physically speaking, both masses would move with equal force toward the center.

Right now, other hedgehogs are considered like still rock: throwing rope to them is like throwing to a wall. So, why not implement a "dragging feature"?

For example: you shot a rope to an enemy and the effect is that HE is dragged toward you. Pressing the spacebar the rope leave the target to his unlucky destiny.

For example, this would make possible to drag an enemy into a hole that's between you and him (which is a little like going there and pushing him).

Hope you like the idea: I think it can be fun AND make the rope "more realistic" in the gameplay sense.

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Too powerful but I like the idea. btw Better open one thread with a list of suggestions. It's tidier and easier to read. Wink Smiley

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daimadoshi85's picture
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IMHO your idea is just like seduction..

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Sort of but it's 2 in 1. Better deal don't you think? Wink Smiley

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nemo's picture
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Won't happen. Far too powerful.
Could wipe out other hogs and win game in first turn with that capability in rope.

Rope is already rather powerful as it is.

Oh... and as I'm sure you've noticed, realism is not high on list of priorities in a cartoon game.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

akiross's picture
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Well, it's too powerful only because are allowed multiple shots with the rope... But, yeah, guess the options are incompatible.

What about a different (one shot) weapon? But I guess that it would make the game logically heavier (an user would be confused: why two items that are the same but behave differently?), so I wouldn't like the idea to have a different weapon for that.

It's more logical to end a turn in the case one worm kills another with the rope (but, again, why?)

I don't agree _at all_ about realism: having more realistic behavior in items means to be capable of using them better (and for different uses) in the game play, not only as the programmers have intended.

This is something that really lacks in general in video games and I personally find it really, really disturbing: there are plenty of situations that can be resolved in 10 ways, but one must behave only in one way.

Cartoon games doesn't mean that they must limit the user experience.
Of course, you may say: this game have a limited user experience as a feature.
That would be fine, but it's not a cartoon-related choice, it's about usability of the software.


Mazama's picture
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Rope should be limited...1 or 2 per round, unless you're in a rope driven map (cave).

Inu's picture
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Why not just making the effect exactly the same as hitting with the Desert Eagle if by any chance the player hits a hog? Or just let it go right through ignoring the hog.
That way (the 1st solution) the players loses the rope, and the hog loses some HP, like 6~8.

It also helps preventing one of those awful rope bugs:

1. If you hit a Hog with the rope!
2. If the area the rope is attached to gets blown up from a mine that was close to it, leaving the rope hook flying in mid air.
3. If you hit a Box with the rope and then grab it. (it's just wrong no matter if you get the box or not, the box should just explode if hit by a rope or just let it go right through and hit the ground.

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I think that the rope should go trough the hog, so that we could move it to some place, like over a pit of mines!

Or why not with many hedgehogs?

Inu's picture
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qwerty800 allegedly wrote:

I think that the rope should go trough the hog, so that we could move it to some place, like over a pit of mines!

Or why not with many hedgehogs?

Honestly would be way more hilarious and fun if when 2 hedgehogs collided little stars came of their heads making them knock each other back and roll a small distance, both losing 2~20 HP depending on the momentum the hog had.
It would also fill the cartoon part nemo referred with the little stars and the small hilarious moment, it would also make the rope just "powerful" instead of "GODLY POWERFUL!!1" and would add a little tiny bit of realism in some ways.

Regarding the rope hitting a hog, i still keep my opinion that should hit it for a small amount of damage, making the hog who attacked finish his turn, but, going through seems an easier fix and also works perfectly well.

szczur's picture
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But what if you are falling down and at the last moment you hook to the hedgehog (as it is the last thing to hook to). You will lose your turn.
The problem is that this is done many times in shoppa game mode (especially on Ropes map where the bottom part of terrain is mostly flat).
I don't want to lose my turn only because i did 2HP damage on enemy hogs, since this wouldn't be the thing i wanted to do (for eg. collecting the crate nearby).
I'm against the idea of rope that do ANY dmg 'cause when the rope will end your turne this will be useless and w/o ending your turn this will be used to kill enemy hedgehogs with ease.

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Inu's picture
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Magik_18l allegedly wrote:

But what if you are falling down and at the last moment you hook to the hedgehog (as it is the last thing to hook to). You will lose your turn.
The problem is that this is done many times in shoppa game mode (especially on Ropes map where the bottom part of terrain is mostly flat).
I don't want to lose my turn only because i did 2HP damage on enemy hogs, since this wouldn't be the thing i wanted to do (for eg. collecting the crate nearby).
I'm against the idea of rope that do ANY dmg 'cause when the rope will end your turne this will be useless and w/o ending your turn this will be used to kill enemy hedgehogs with ease.

So all this is about shoppa mode? Just keep the current rules for that mode (or make a mode called "old rope behavior"), and change them for the others. There, problem fixed. Honestly i tried shoppa mode quite a few times, and i find it painfully boring even to watch after just 2 days, but of 'course there are people that really like it too so a special mode just for that would "solve the problem".

It just makes no sense you can hook the rope the the nearest hedgehog chest or eye, that would instantly kill any creature alive or animated. :P
So OK, in the end, the most adequate fix for this bug is to make the rope go through\past the hogs.
It gets worst if you grab the hog to a box, 'cause when you do acquire the item, the rope just grabs itself to the the water molecules in the atmosphere... or something that makes no sense at all like that.

And all the points\posts i made were merely to try and balance the weapon and make it less buggy, 'cause no matter if people wanna admit it or not, it's still by far the most buggy weapon on the arsenal, and also the most lethal in every single mode.

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yeah i wonder if u can drag other guys

Inu's picture
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scottyman allegedly wrote:

yeah i wonder if u can drag other guys

Well at the moment (0.9.11) if you want to drag hogs you can just use the "Seduction" 'cause the rope just uses the hog as if he was a piece of wood\land sticking huge and sharp hook into their slimy and disgusting guts! (just kidding, lol)
But you can always use the rope to give your hog momentum and with it push other hogs off the terrain making the weapon extremely powerful since it can be used several times.
Just go check it out yourself. Big Grin

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