Training mode

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akiross's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 20 weeks ago. Offline
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I think it would be nice to have a better training mode: it can be hard to master basic weaponry (bazooka and grenades) considering forces, winds and so on.
So, why not helping the user with trajectories? In a "training mode" (or easy mode or anything you like), trajectories becomes visible. It's hard to explain it with words, i hope you understand the images:

Hope you're interested... Because I really suck with grenades!! Big Grin


rbaleksandar's picture
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Hm...Well, on one hand it's cool, because you can see where you thing will hit. BUT on the other - no real use when playing with others. If you use it in multi player, it'll spoil the game (since 1/2 the pleasure is throwing a graneda for example and it lands on your head Big Grin). And if you don't - well, in that case you'll still be in the start position not knowing where your thing will land, since you've seen the trajectory in training mode but now you don't...Whew, lots of twadeling I know but I hope you get the idea. Wink Smiley

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Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

akiross's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 20 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 12

Yeah, I see your point... But I still find it useful for training in solo play Wink Smiley

Of course, the 0.5fun opinion is really understandable Smile


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