Random placed landtex objects.

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DrDickens's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 47 weeks ago. Offline
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As far as I remember there were some random placed landtex objects in previous versions of HW (.10 or .9 maybe).
But they doesn't seem to work in .11!Sad Smiley Were there any problems with them? Because this feature is the best invention in graphic omho.
And I was about to use it creating new theme when i found out it was cut. Is there any hope to see the feature working again in futher releases?

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DrDickens's picture
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Looks like noone gives a fuck. As usual. I'm a failguy at crating successful threads.

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rbaleksandar's picture
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rofl But you're a great comedian. Big Grin Well, about the objects - just wait until the next release comes out. Wink Smiley You can create maps for now and leave the theme-thingy.
Now that someone else has posted in your thread, I hope you'll find peace and sleep tight. Smile

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Uriah's picture
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its bugged in 0.9.11
fixed in 0.9.12

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