Bit of logging in help :(

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Agent Mo
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Ok, so i haven't played hedgewars in ages - and i never visited the forum so this is my first post - and i forgot my password - meaning when i went to download the latest version today i had to enter my password before getting onto the servers. I came to this site and got my password renewed by the email thingy - but when i entered it to get onto the servers it didn't work! I've tried it a few times....any help at all?

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Welcome Smile

I'm not sure but I do believe you have to wait a bit longer before you're able to use your new password in the game. But I might be wrong. If the problem is still there tomorrow, then something went wrong.

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Smaxx's picture
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Its cached for some time so just wait - or pick another nickname ingame for some time (you don't have to register a new account to be able to play).

Agent Mo
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Ok, it's still not working, but I did what you said Smaxx and changed my nickname - i'm in! Thanks a lot, i'll keep checking my old nick but if it still doesn't work then oh well :P

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unC0Rr's picture
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Passwords are cached for 48 hours on server. Admin is able to force clearing the cache though, I'll clear it in a few minutes.

Smaxx's picture
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48 hours sounds a little bit extreme. Shouldn't be too ressource hungry so I hope it could be done more frequently?

The profile page should as well include a small hint telling people that it might take some time till it's applied to the game account as well.

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