New Map: Bridge

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RoFra's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 43

Hi there!
I created a new Map. It's not 100% completed yet but I'd love to hear something from you about it. And maybe you have some ideas for me Wink Smiley

The Map shows a huge Bridge. It looks like the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

You can download it right here:

So, do you like it?

Smaxx's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
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Yes and no. Smile

As I guess you know you'll need some more colors, I won't mention that - oh I did, well ...

Like the basic idea but you should consider draw it using freehand tools. I don't know how well you know vector graphic programs like Corel Draw (commercial) or Inkscape (freeware/open source) but those make it a lot easier (you're able to edit shapes, colors, etc. without redrawing). It doesn't have to be as twisted as the highway map, but you should try to avoid straight lines. (Try to warp it a little bit or let it appear as seen through some kind of fish eye lense.)

Another possible problem: Spaces! The cables form a nice U shaped landscape but once something explodes you create lots of small traps that make it impossible to move without utility weapons and making it too easy to target (i.e. just drop a grenade with 5 s timer).

RoFra's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
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Jipp, I need more colors, that's why I said it's not 100% completed :P

Yes, I know Inkscape, I work with Inkscape. This map is created with it.

Well, it seems like you're right with the U-problem... May this map isn't a good idea... Big Grin I'll try to make a bridge without the U-problem.

Anyway, Thanks for your Feedback, Smaxx!

Cairo's picture
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Have you had any progress redoing it? and if you have/haven't anyway could you uload it again to mediafire or something?

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RoFra's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
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No I haven't done anything. And I can't upload it because I lost the map..

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