Weapon property and sound problems with 0.9.11 under Mandriva with azerty keyboard laptop
Hi all, please be gentle with my grammar I'm French
I've got two problems with 0.9.11. I'm under Mandriva 2009.1, It's a notebook and I have a French (Azerty) keyboard.
First, I can't change weapon property during the game (1 to 5s before explosion). It seems that numbers are not recognized. Pushing caps during typing is useless. I even tried to configure manually the keys :
&, é, ", ', (, instead of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, but the "é" character is not recognized (it's the one on the "2" key if you follow me), so I can't keep the 1 to 5 parameters.
Second, during the game (in full screen), if I mute the sound with my laptop's built-in button, it stays muted only a few times, then the sound works again.
Does anyone has the same problems, or better, has any solutions ?
Thx for your help!
Key problem: Try to set your keyboard layout to english locale and see if it's fixed then. There are some known input problems with non-english keyboard layouts but it might be something else as well.
Sound problem: Not sure, guess it will be fixed in 0.9.12. As a temporary solution, don't use the button and/or disable sound (or music) in the options menu.
Hi Sun,
Thx for your answer.
I just leave full screen with f12 to turn off the sound, it's not perfect but it works!
For the keyboard, I'll try your suggestion, but I don't want to change my layout each time I play...
So, one news, the keys ALL work...without full screen...
So there's a bug in full screen with "special keys" like alphanumerical ones or integrated buttons, which are both well recognized in window mode...
I have the problem with french azerty keyboard too, i cannot change time for grenades explosion even without full screen. I haven't tryed english layout yet.
Try it. It should do the trick.
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it.
Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. 
This solution work, but that's not very usable for azerty users.
First, they won't be able to chat with accents, and there will be a problem with the key changes.
And then, if they want to do an other thing while waiting for players for exemple, they won't be able to type normally, except by re-changing keymap.
Finally, beginners will have a problem changing keymap, they won't understand, don't know why it doesn't work, or whatever.
I think you should add an option to change the keys for timed weapons, or for exemple add the keypad support.
You should be able to set those keys - key config, second subsection.
A problem is still here : when you select "automatic games against computer" in main menu, you settings don't work you have defaults settings so you cannot change explosion time of grenades...
My own solution was to change source code in order to use numeric keypad. In the source code folder open QTFrontend/binds.cpp and change each "timer1", "1" (lines 43 to 47, my version of HW is 0.9.13) by "timer 1", "[1]". So lines 43 to 43 become :
Then recompile and with these settings you will be able to use numeric keypad by default. Enjoy !