Unofficial Manual [still unfinished!]

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Unofficial Manual
for realease 0.9.11

Latest version (almost finished!) can be downloaded here.

Weapons' description table can be downloaded here [ODS format] or here [XLS format].

Note: The table is too big to be integrated in the manual so you'll have to download it separately. A PDF document is also unavailable for the same reason. I'll try to make this in HTML format so that it can be viewed inside a browser but I might also leave it the way it is - available in two formats:

- ODS : OpenDocument Spreadsheet (can be opened with OpenOffice)
- XLS : Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Worksheet (can be opened with all versions of Office including Office 2007)

If mediafire says that this file's missing, then I'm uploading a new version at this moment. Be patient and try again after 3-4 minutes.

CHANGE LOG (shows my work so far):
-All chapters are done except Chapter 10 (will take lots of time) and the advanced tactics section in Chapter 5.
-Index, Credits and Appendixes are also done.
-Added License.
-Still working on layout (with border looks very nice ^^).
-Added a few more links + (possible) min. system requirements.
-My attempts to convert the weapons/utilities-table in HTML-format (don't want to write it all by myself Big Grin) are still fruitless. Sad Smiley

1)See unC0Rr's post.
2)Page 3 now is as follows:
Thanks to all who dedicated their time to making this game, all the useful information on the official web site of Hedgewars and its great community. Parts of this manual are taken from Hedgewars' Wiki and/or from the forum. I'll try to mention the author(s) but sometimes I wouldn't be able to due to the fact that I don't know who wrote them.

Since most of the things are finished (grammar correction's still needed too), translation can start. Whoever wants to do it, feel free to do it. Big Grin

Hi, guys Smile

Well, most of you maybe know that there is a wiki on the HW-site. Well, since things are going pretty slowly there and I've read tons of threads where someone ask how something's done, I decided to make an unoffical manual in PDF format in order each of you to be able to read it offline. Smile It's still very rough, there are mistakes (English grammar and such plus some inaccuracies or delusion - sorry in advance) and it's definitely far from finished. But I've decided to post my draft here in order to get your opinion, suggestions and corrections. Hope you like what I've done so far. ^^ I've taken some things directly from the wiki (well, I've wrote a couple of the articles myself Smile). Hope the HW-team doesn't mind that. I can rewrite these if there's a problem with that. Actually I will take text from other pages of the main site including the forum, since there are a lot of questions and answers. Smile

I've tried to make a most detailed description and all I could think of when I was writing it. The manual will not only include how to play the game and what-does-this-button-do, but also a full guide (as far as I have the knowledge of course Big Grin) for creating art for the game (hats, maps, themes, sounds etc.). Later (when most things are done) a tutorial on how to modify and create new weapons would also be nice.
At the end you can find a small ToDo-list and notes (not too many for now). I'd also like to ask unC0Rr how it all started and detailed information on the development through the years. Maybe I'll include a short interview or something. Big Grin
Anyone who wants to perticipate is more than welcomed. You can write me a PM or just post here.
Now about the grammar part - only from educated (preferably with English as mother language) people. Wink Smiley
I'll also be glad to have the paths for demos etc. for all operating system where HW's currently running on.


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Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

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Great Job rbaleksander!!!
And that is the thing that HW community needed since ever Big Grin.

Will there be translated version (or is it possible to do this?)

Anyway, crate of beer is going to you from Poland :P

And again... WOOOOOOT!!!

Big Grin

PS. Did I mentioned that i LOVE you? Big Grin

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rbaleksandar's picture
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I don't drink but thanks...Maybe some great fruite-juice-booze? Big Grin And yes, if there are people who would like to do that, there will be translations. I know how to write in only 2 foreing languages. English isn't my mother language. Since there are at least 5 forums in different languages, those of you who speak these languages might want to post a thread there for the translation. But if noone wants to do a translation, than I guess there won't be any except English. I'm too lazy to translate all this in two other languages. Annoyed But let me first finish the English version which will take quite some time. Smile If you want, you can help me finishing this one. There's no point in translating something that's going to be changed almost every day. Smile

PS: No, you didn't mention that you love me. Big Grin
btw What a nice avatar you have. Big Grin

How many teams can a map for 36 hedgehogs contain? I think 36 teams with 1 hedgehog in each is impossible so...Thanks in advance. Smile

HTML = How To Meet the Ladies

Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

daimadoshi85's picture
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Why don't you write on the wiki? You write better than me!Please!

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Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first Smile

rbaleksandar's picture
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Well, when I finish this thing here, I'll send you the document (ODT format, I use OpenOffice) and you can easily copy the information you need and paste it in the wiki. It's great to have them both (all big open source project have both). As I said before - a PDF document can be viewed offline so that you don't need internet in order to read something about HW. Smile

HTML = How To Meet the Ladies

Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

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Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V

Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first Smile

rbaleksandar's picture
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I'll make a short description and small guideline in a table that will go with the manual. Than I'll write about some advanced techinques in the chapter with the weapons. I'll leave something for the wiki so that the one is not a complete copy of the other although for now 95% of what I've written in the manual came from my head and not from the HW-wiki. Smile

HTML = How To Meet the Ladies

Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

szczur's picture
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There are errors in weapon table:
1. The DE have only 4 shots per turn.
2. TNT can do only 70 dmg (not counting fall dmg)
3. You can not select targets with a mouse clicks in Cake. You have to press spacebar.

Will add more examples later. I have to read it all Big Grin

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Ah, yes. About the cake it's true. About DE...I thought I've changed that. Big Grin I guess I forgot. About TNT - yes, unC0Rr said that but this 80dmg isn't quite falling damage...Oh, well...Will change that too. Smile Thanks for the corrections. About the examples - I think I'll add them in the Advanced Tactics-section. Wink Smiley

EDIT: Damn, I forgot to add the ballgun...

HTML = How To Meet the Ladies

Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

unC0Rr's picture
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Some comments:
1) compilation option WITH_SERVER=1 requires ghc
2) "Start server" button won't appear if you don't have hedgewars-server executable
3) You can clear chat line quick with Esc
4) max throwing power is reached in 1500 ms
5) internet speed doesn't affect lag (you can play smoothly even with 8kbit connection)
6) there are some maps for up to 48 hedgehogs
7) mines are off in pro mode and shoppa, so no need to mention mines time and count
8) minefield scheme has 50 mines

rbaleksandar's picture
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Thanks for the feedback. Smile
3)Forgot about that.
4)Hm, so there's a difference in the timing between throwing and shooting power? Good to know. Will add this.
5)Ok Smile Deleted this.
6)Which maps in particular? Since they are few (I guess), it better to make a small list with them.
7)True. It can even confuse. :P
8)Ups, I did a copy-paste and forgot.

HTML = How To Meet the Ladies

Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

unC0Rr's picture
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Some old screenshots: 2004.11.09 - just a landscape 2004.11.19 - proof of concept... those rings are grenades, trying physics 2004.11.30 - hedgehogs staying on terrain, can't do anything 2004.12.08 - hedgehogs can aim and shoot grenade with 3 seconds timer, can't turn left 2005.03.07 - just hedgehogs playing... engine already has abilities for net game and demo replay

rbaleksandar's picture
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Thanks, will add them to the history-section. Smile

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Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

pyropeter's picture
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Something on the structure:
I would not describe all settings in the startup-chapter. I would only describe the "Net Nick" setting and would deal with the others in the related chapters.


"The current active hedgehog is indicated by a bouncing arrow. Like this:" i would mention the "h" key at that place

Languages: german (mother tongue), english (wretched, I'm still learning it, would be pleased about some comments on grammar-fails and similar)
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rbaleksandar's picture
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Nope and I'll tell you why. If you've read manuals, you might have noticed that first the authors describe how the thing looks, so that the user can "feel" the enviroment.
2)having a list of shortcuts is much better than having to scroll up and down all the time searching for the X shortcut. Wink Smiley
Before poking something you look at it. Big Grin

HTML = How To Meet the Ladies

Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

starex's picture
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i can't download the manual . can you email it for me ?
my email: , tks

rbaleksandar's picture
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Smile Phew, finally some free time to spare on the manual. Will rewrite it (not from scratch of course). Will try to make a LaTeX-version too, but dunno about that - if I find enough time. Smile Then after 18th october (hopefully then) I'll add the new stuff from 0.9.12. Smile

HTML = How To Meet the Ladies

Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

thestrange71's picture
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is the 0.9.13 guide here? Annoyed

Hey, i've made some unofficial hedgewars cursor, click the link to try it Smile

Smaxx's picture
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Some parts might be outdated in 0.9.13 but most things mentioned will still apply. Wink Smiley

Cairo's picture
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Are you still working on this?

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Inu's picture
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I'm gonna ask this manual to be updated when .14 is out. A load of things have been added or changed since the .11 release.
I'd also like to suggest this pdf manual to be converted to a webpage. This way the devs could simply add a link in the main menu of the game to it or something like that, making it truthfully useful.
It could even be added to the trunk.

It's also missing a version changes list. I'm of 'course available to help as possible, I could make it happen, but all the typing had to be done by someone else as I'm not that skillful at doing it in my 2nd language.

nemo's picture
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WRT HTML version, why not just update the wiki?

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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nemo allegedly wrote:

WRT HTML version, why not just update the wiki?

Well, this webpage could also be included with the release to work offline, plus we can customize it as much as we like right?

The wiki also needs to be updated tho... xD

rbaleksandar's picture
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Inu, you're more than welcome to help. I've been doing this for a couple of months and still there is plenty work to do. The thing is - I need typing-people. Corrections (grammar, punctuation and such will be done here in the forum (hopefully) by the "natives". So if you're still interested and can read in a matter that someone can understand what you mean, send me a PM and I can tell you what needs to be done. I'm also opened for art (cover, borders etc.). Right now the manual is in a very conservative form. The game is colorful and I think that the manual should be too.

@nemo, the problem is not the format. It's the amount of work. Big Grin Seriously, I don't have much time (especially now 'cause I have two damn difficult exams coming) on my hands. In order to prevent too big changes, when correcting, things have to be seen and tried out. Another thing is that things are changing (removing, changing, adding stuff all the time). I write about something and in the next version it is changed. I repeat: I believe it's better to first have an offline manual that can be viewed even if you're not connected and after that we can update the wiki.

Cheers. Smile

PS: @Inu, you say you're not good in your second language. What is your mother language than? I'm planning on doing a translation in German (I tried to recruit some Wurst but it didn't work out Big Grin).

HTML = How To Meet the Ladies

Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

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Well, I think I can submit some text about the stuff that's missing then when I have the opportunity. (every now and then)

I made a reference to the format simply because, for example, Windows machines don't have that (pdf) built in, on the other hand, nowadays even phones support html with ease and good performance.
Also, HTML is very easy to edit and add stuff and could be included with the game in case the player was playing offline (completely), otherwise we could just redirect him\her to the most up to date page.

Well, it's not that I'm bad at english, I'm just not very at good writing\typing in english.
My mother language is Portuguese (from Portugal), so unfortunately can't be of help with the German translation.

rbaleksandar's picture
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I know what Protuguese is. Big Grin As for the help - see the PM I send you. btw Once we're done with the manual in English, you can always translate it into Portuguese. Wink Smiley
As for the format of the manual I'll say (write Smile) it again - first we need to get it done and after that we'll see what format it'll be converted into. The formatting of the text (let's say - HTML) it's just a minor detail compared to the work that is involved in writing the manual itself.

PS: Damn, what's with the stupid captcha code?! Sad Smiley

HTML = How To Meet the Ladies

Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

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how do you use the hedge hog switcher Smile

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1) Select change hog.
2) Press space to "fire" it.
3) Press tab until you are controlling the hog you want.
4) Play your turn as normal.
5) ...
6) Profit???

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Cheat sheets for those who always forget hot keys.

2 options:

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chujoii allegedly wrote:

Cheat sheets for those who always forget hot keys.

2 options:

Scaled w/ hqx/scaler4x?

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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chujoii, did you draw those? They're very good!

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claymore allegedly wrote:

chujoii, did you draw those? They're very good!

Hm. You're right. zooming way in, those are clearly vector.
I'd love to have the SVG

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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I painted all over again (stern "Low Gravity", where I used the "Trace Bitmap" from the Inkscape).

Font to use F1-F12 - "Old Standard".

Some of the images I have slightly changed:

  • Grenades - could not make out what was painted before.
  • Old Limburger - not like cheese, must redraw.
  • Shotgun - added a second barrel.
  • Desert Eagle - blew the flames and turned.
  • Sniper Rifle - added "Muzzle brake".
  • Flamethrower - like the rest of the weapons remove hand.
  • Whip - added grip.
  • Sticky Mine - look like flowers - must redraw.
  • Laser Sight - rather obscure piece - draw LED, but the result was electric plug - must redraw.
  • Extra Damage, Extra Time - I do not know what was the font, so using "Cooper".

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It would make a great alternative icon set, and maybe even replace some of the weapon sprites... though that might require an entire graphical revamp.

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chujoii allegedly wrote:

Cheat sheets for those who always forget hot keys.

2 options:

I'm not sure if it was done on purpose, but i thought I'd just point out that the weapons in the Hysteria "cheat sheet" are a bit off... Other than that, pretty nice. Smile

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I immediately thought that the list of weapons (New gametype: Hysteria) - strange.

That a corrected version:

Wuzzy's picture
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I can’t download the files. According to MediaFire, the files are “set to private” and I can’t access them. Sad Smiley

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Star and Moon
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

I can’t download the files. According to MediaFire, the files are “set to private” and I can’t access them. Sad Smiley

Mediafire tends to remove old files, and this is reeeaaallly old so that's no surprise.

It's best to look at the wiki we currently have going, that's a manual of sorts, and you can help out too.

rbaleksandar's picture
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

Mediafire tends to remove old files, and this is reeeaaallly old so that's no surprise.

It's best to look at the wiki we currently have going, that's a manual of sorts, and you can help out too.

I also advise you to do that. Because of lack of time and the unwillingness of others to participate in helping me write the manual (for a single person to update the whole thing on regular bases for each new version of the game is a LOT of work) the information is incomplete and outdated. Haven't looked at the Wiki for a long time but it should be your best shot of getting up-to-date information on the game. Sorry. I'm willing to start working on it again because one can see that this is one of the most viewed threads in the forum, so there is obviously interest and desire to have a manual, but right now I'm really, really busy and also haven't played the game for like an year or more (but it's still installed and updated regularly Big Grin).

HTML = How To Meet the Ladies

Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

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I am not allowed to edit the wiki.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

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Maybe I was blind again, but is there a place where the symbols and abbreviations on multiplayer are explained – I assume that greyed-out hogs are sort of idle or playing and those with grey disks are in the lobby, but is that right?
Also, what means "A" and "L"?


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Hoot allegedly wrote:

Maybe I was blind again, but is there a place where the symbols and abbreviations on multiplayer are explained – I assume that greyed-out hogs are sort of idle or playing and those with grey disks are in the lobby, but is that right?
Also, what means "A" and "L"?


There is no place, sadly. (I did suggest one but nobody cared enough Big Grin)

Gray hogs mean - unregistered. So colored hogs are registered players.

The filled white (or gray?) circle next to an icon indicates that the player is on lobby. (It would not appear for admins under particular circumstances though, but I think that bug is fixed now).

A and L? You mean the column titles maybe? The letters are different from language to language.
The first column shows the count of players in that room, the second column shows the current number of teams in that game.

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Thanks! So maybe a very quick and very dirty job might be maybe not nice, but helping. See link. Will only be online for some days, so grab it if it might be useful.

Star and Moon
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

I am not allowed to edit the wiki.

Ah, right, I forget you have to get permissions. PM Sheepluvqa or nemo or one of them maybe?

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Since this topic is outdated, dead, irrelevant and leading to nowhere, can somebody unsticky it, please?

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