more suggestions

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User offline. Last seen 10 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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i think there should be really a search engine in the forums so we know what have been posted and what not.

the shots are coming from the middle of the hedgehog, they should come from the weapon.

a skin sharing sistem, make a cache folder, when players are going ingame they upload custom skins in use, then other players download the skins into the cache folder and then they can see the skins.

a skin editor that copies the image to the other 16 positions in the skin sheet automaticaly for static skins (majority of the skins)
on this topic my friend will try to make something in Java...

I think it would be nice to be able to see the room status like the game and weapon settings before joining a room, in a similar way to the info screen when you click to see a player's info.

hmm... that's all for now

oh, and the ballon transport thing, would be like a parachute that lifts you in air for a short period of time and then the wind takes you. with time you go down slowly Wink Smiley
(if not so soon, using a timeout, you can pop the baloon and make the hedgehog fall straight to the ground)

i think you got the idea

thank you for all,

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Big Grin Go to one of the forums and look up there below and a little bit on the right of the LiveChat-tab to see the search field. Smile

The shots aren't coming from the weapon because it simply a graphic an attached to the body of the hedgehog (I wrote about that in the manual Wink Smiley)...Something like the hats. Smile

"a skin sharing system" - the same goes for the maps and themes (already discussed). Would be nice of course to have it. Smile

"a skin editor that copies the image to the other 16 positions in the skin sheet automaticaly" - you can copy/paste the images. It's easy adn you can do it with programs even like Paint. Why do you need something like that? It's not THAT much work to do it manually. Smile

"to be able to see the room status like the game and weapon settings before joining a room" - the devs are working on this as far as I remember. Wink Smiley

Whut balloon? Smile

HTML = How To Meet the Ladies

Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

User offline. Last seen 10 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 5

all the weapons have almost the same distance from the center
store that distance into an array, load the gun id which controls what kind of bullet you will shot, this id will be used as an index to find the proper value in the array and then apply that value to the initial position of the shot directly into the Y axis... want me to draw it?

//lets say bazooka is 0 and grenade is 1
//bazooka is held 5 pixels away from the center
//and grenade is held 1 pixel away from the center

var weaponHeightArray(5,1,... );

var height = weaponHeightArray(weaponId);
yBullet = hog.x - height;

simple enough ins't it?
now tell me how does the graphics control the code?

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