[theme+map] FastFood (+ sources)
Wed, 2009-08-19 19:17
I've created a theme and map.
Hope you like it
Current version: 0.7.9 BETA!
Release Date: 02/19/10
Special thanks to claymore, who is the beta-tester and idea-generator!
Download links(updated):
#1: http://www.mediafire.com/?gjgqzwiew3t
z0mg, teh aqua teen hunger force!
yo pterodaktill, i like it.
a bit of a problem, imho, is that the background and map itself are pretty much the same color. you should make the background more... background, so that players don't get confused.
also, the "HedgeCola" label should be either be removed or made to look like it's really on the cup.
just my 2¢ though
I created a video presentation:
Update (01/26/10):

A theme update:
* The land texture has been corrected
* Newest objects from the map added
* Other small updates

Very nice, I like it.
I can also see the map being used for some sort of mission.
Well... I decided to make the map and the theme open source. I published it under CC-BY-SA license. The download link is at the first post. I hope someone would improve it. Good luck
I've created an updated version of the FastFood theme based on the theme version 0.7.9 which works with Hedgewars version 0.9.17. It can be downloaded here:
http://hh.unit22.org/media/addons/FastFood0.8.zip (just the theme files)
or here:
http://rghost.net/download/38930882/d52df85d464a554eea3d36692bd7996d1eecfcf0/FastFood_0.8.tar.xz (contains SVG files, too)
The entire blabla:

You made a good map and an even more awesome theme. Probably one of the most overlooked themes in Hedgewars. I wonder why no developer has stumpled upon this in all these years. It looks awesome and complies with the Hedgewars Grahpics standard.
Big image here:
(The screenshot is actually a screenshot from my edited version, not the original anymore.
But you hardly can see any difference as the improvements are mainly technical ones.)
Unfortunately, this theme is a bit outdated for version 0.9.17, because so many things changed. And there are some other issues with this theme. Here's a list:
If one of the links is dead, please contact me immediately.
Greetings, Wuzzy.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
There's an Hedgewars Addons page at http://hh.unit22.org
You can upload this theme a that page and then anyone can rate and download it.
And i should say that you made a GOOD JOB with this theme updating it. Congrats on this
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Uploaded it on that hh.unit22.org server. Renamed version number to 0.8.
Clicky-clicky: http://hh.unit22.org/addon/108
The fucking FAQ told me I should append the version number but it didn't get removed from the name at all. So there the theme is now called "FastFood0.8" instead of "FastFood". If you download it from rghost.net the theme is called "FastFood" but if you download it from hh.unit22.org it's called "FastFood0.8" thanks to a confusing FAQ entry.
At least I have now a real alternative to one-click-hosters, thanks.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
That's exactly how it is supposed to work. The FAQ is not wrong.
Essentially, the reason a version number is requested in the name, is that if you make further changes to the theme, it can desync games.
Content that is part of the full game is updated each version, and version is enforced across the entire game. You can't do that for DLC.
So, putting a version number in the name ensures that if you decide to fix a theme object in FastFood0.9 that people won't try playing it with FastFood0.8 and get broken play.
It also ensures that if FastFood gets accepted, we don't have to pick a completely different name to avoid it colliding with versions people are playing already. Unfortunately, because you already released it without a version number once, we would have to pick another name.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
I have packaged McHedgehog (the fast food map) into HWP format, here you can download it:
Simply drop the HWP file into the directory “Data” of your Hedgewars data directory (
under GNU/Linux). You will find the map as “McHedgehog_v1” in the game.This map uses FastFood0.8 by default, found here: http://hh.unit22.org/addons/Theme/FastFood0.8/
Besides: FastFood0.8 works just fine. I have decided to keep this name until I make a update to it.
The map is not uploaded on hh.unit22.org yet, this upload interface simply does not work for me.
IMO, both FastFood0.8 and McHedgehog_v1 are both good enough to be included as DLC at least. Maybe even bundled with the game *dream*. What do you think?
Preview of McHedgehog_v1:

Preview of FastFood0.8:

I have also uploaded the SVG source of the map on my server in order to preserve it:
Edit: Map is now on hh.unit22.org: http://hh.unit22.org/addons/Map/McHedgehog_v1/
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
This is a good theme/map to be included into the DLC.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015