Dedicated Server?
Mon, 2009-09-07 10:30
Hi there!
Me and my friends loves to play hedgewars, and now I'm thinking of installing a dedicated server for us to play on. Is there a way to do this? I can't seem to find any downloadable.. Help anyone?
Animal Mother
Don't think there is any point in this, especially cause it helps to center players in one single server.
The game is free and hardly uses any bandwith; even if we had 1000 simultaneous players all the time 1Mbit would probably hold them without any lag.
But you can always use the mode "LAN game" to make your own separate server when you want to play with your friends.
There is no real "client server architecture" inside Hedgewars so no need (and no possibility) to run a dedicated server. All you can do is running your own master server like Inu suggested but there's no real use for it to be honest.
If you want to run modified versions of the game - e.g. using custom weapons - feel free to do so using the official server but don't try to screw other people's game by joining their games with that modified version etc.
If you want to run your own server in LAN follow these steps:
1. Click on Multiplayer game
2. Click "LAN game"
3. Choose "Create server"
4. Pick a name and the port
5. ???????
6. PROFIT!!!!!
Press any key to continue, or any other key to cancel.
Yeah yeah, I know about starting up the LAN-game.. What I was asking for was a dedicated server installed just for fun.
Case closed then..
Just run hedgewars-server
i was playing so happy in hedgewars server until the second day asked me introduce password to go and play i dont know what to do still same asking me cant connect to the server please help me.!
Just use the same password you use for login on the website. If your nickname ingame doesn't match your nickname here on the site someone else "grabbed" that nickname.