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sheepluva's picture
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(click for full size I guess)

Credits chain:
- hedgehog: unknown
- photo-taker: unknown
- in-irc-linker: jessor
- higher-res-finder: FireFox (using - awesome site)
- random-adjustments: some semi-crazed bored dude in irc

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unC0Rr's picture
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Big Grin

szczur's picture
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Sooo cute. Big Grin

I hope that hedgehog is shipped with laptop Big Grin
I want one too :P

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rbaleksandar's picture
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Aaaaaaah, so cute! Big Grin
btw I can see it's its turn. Smile

HTML = How To Meet the Ladies

Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

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One question where did u find a hedge hog?

sheepluva's picture
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hunterman993 allegedly wrote:

One question where did u find a hedge hog?

The internet Smile

We found some in our garden when I was a child though... (>20 years ago Shocking) didn't took pics of them as far as I know though :/

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rbaleksandar's picture
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^ The last image is from the site I took one for my avatar. Big Grin There was a great collection of hedgehogs. Smile I've seen a couple too. Especially where there are a lot of bushes and snakes. A bush with snakes is like a fast food restaurant to a hedgehog. Big Grin

HTML = How To Meet the Ladies

Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

knet's picture
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the first one is uber-cool Smile sweeeeet little hedgehog... THAT WANTS TO KILL KILL KILLLLLLL

Star and Moon
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that's the same laptop I'm using to write this post! (seriously!)

maqui's picture
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How about this awesomeness?

Star and Moon
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Army of Hogs!

I've got a ton of Hedgehog pictures on my computer. I love this one!

sheepluva's picture
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betancourt1's picture
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Interesting thread xD @ nice pics =D


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