How to set up a single player game against AI in multiplayer.

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hawkn's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
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The above states my question. I can't figure out how to set up a game against the AI. I don't want to play the random map the computer generates. And when i hover my mouse over the multiplayer option, it makes it sound like i can play against AI.
Please respond soon, because i'm getting bored of playing the random maps, and i need practice for online. Shocking

szczur's picture
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1. Go to the Settings page. (Bottom-right part of the main screen)
2. Click on "New Team" option.
3. Fill up all needed places such as names or hats (or click on "Random team" button)
4. Set on the part of the screen where are the team options such as name, grave, voice and AI level.
5. Save
6. ???????
7. Profit!!!

When you're going to play click on the button on the right side from the "Random game" button and choose your team and AI team.
That all.


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hawkn's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2009-10-07
Posts: 2

Sweet thanks. i wasn't sure what the AI level thing was about.

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