0.9.12 has landed!
0.9.12 Released
well folks, 0.9.12 is finally here.
Grab it on our downloads page here
This release doesn't include everything we had planned, and some noteable things are missing. But we decided to push forwards the release due to Hedgewars being included on a coverdisk on a big computer magazine.
That said, there is an awful lot new in 0.9.12, I won't list everything, (you can always review SVN activity for a complete changelog) but the main features are as follows.
+ Control pad support
+ New weapons: flying saucer, molotov cocktail
+ More sounds
+ New visual effects
+ Updated graphics
+ Team chat
+ Remember net password
+ More training modes, including a fun RC plane game
+ Implement room control delegation when host's connection fails
+ Colorize chat events in engine
+ Frontend improvements
+ New maps
+ New theme
+ and more :)
+Zoom - This is one of the biggest features in the new release, you can now dynamically zoom in and out of the battlefield using (by default) the mousewheel.
If you have any teams from previous versions of the game you may need to update their controls to apply zoom settings.
Middle mouse resets your zoom by default.
* Fix crash in replay caused by speechbubbles
* Fix some desync causes
* Fix rope bugs
* Fix bugs in weapon selection code
We want to thank everyone who helped out with 0.9.12, the community (as usual) has been great. We hope you enjoy the release, send it to your friends, your family, your wife, your bit on the side, everyone! And we look forwards to seeing you on the server.
Let us know what you think of the release on our forums
And just to let you know we now have a twitter and facebook page,
so sign up and let the word spread! :)
Yoooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuu, your sex is on fireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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yay \o/
this is so hogciting
Nice job guys
Hallelujah!!! Finally!! I'm not gonna sleep tonight, will test the release
Very very nice
Thank you very much. 
Good Job!
Compost theme is a blast
Those flies and a blurred background, beautiful!
(thought, the fonts became somewhat unreadable...)
And, zoom is very good
Stupid question - where can I find the complete change log for 0.9.12 with everything fixed, removed, added and changed? Need it for the manual. Thanks in advance.
Check the SVN Repository. Links are on the download page.
Thanks, jessor. Missed that link there.
for a deep insight in the mac developement
read my blog http://projectsymphony.blogspot.com/
Thanks, Koda. Will add some of this. I always thought that the installation guide and features description's rather too short. Time to fix that.
I've been waiting so long for this moment !
BIG thanks for everyone who makes this beautiful game !
Am I the only person who has found that now the text is nearly unreadable and fuzzy in game.
That's only by zoom out (the last level of zoom). Otherwise it's perfectly readable.
rbaleksandar, you know, it's pretty perfect on my work machine with Intel graphincs card, but the font is awful and messed up on ATI X1100 on my laptop at home
And it's not only the font, it's about the graphics at all, like water, lines etc. Hedges look more or less OK though... I'll post a screenshot later.
That's a problem with the latest ati drivers on windows. Older ones seem okay. It's being investigated.
yeah the writing is just realy fuzzy I have a radeon X200M this didn't happen in the old versions
Regarding blurry textures:
It's a new "feature" in this version. I don't want to go into too techy details but we're saving lots of texture memory on cards that support it (which should increase performance on not-so-state-of-the-art cards). However some drivers seem to try to optimize small (or narrow) textures as they assume you won't see any difference.
Unfortunately this causes such blurry textures on narrow things like text.
Look in your driver settings for ways to adjust texture parameters (e.g. "performance level") and try to set them to "high quality" or disable "Catalyst AI" on ATI cards. If that helps, fine, if not, revert your changes and I'll try to get a toggle into frontend ASAP.
Please use this thread to post your problems related to blurry textures and stay up to date. So far it has been suggested to go back to older Catalyst divers if you're using an ATI card (under Windows?).
congrats on release. pity that pause in netgame still did not make it. maybe next release
oh, and how do i start a LAN server in linux, does anyone know?
We've had pause in netplay before, we removed it.. there are no plans to put it back.. it causes problems
Hi !
I try it on windows : wonderful !
Great great job !
But i'm still not sucess to install it on ubuntu ? Where can i find the package ? I don't understand how can use the script ? Can u help ?
Give me an Ubuntu package of .12 and nobody gets hurt! ):
Thank you all!
This release made my day!
Forgot to say p-l-e-a-s-e.
Ubuntu package is linked on the download page now.
Note that if you have an ATI card, you might want to wait for next update of it which will include the ATI patch (and the more minor drill sound bug).
I am running Ubuntu 9.04 and tried to install HW 0.9.12 from PlayDeb, but the oddest thing happened:
My working 0.9.11 was replaced with 0.9.9!
apt-get remove hedgewars
apt-get remove hedgewars-data
apt-get clean
then reinstalling from PlayDeb, but no joy -- launched Hedgewars and was right back at v 0.9.9! At first I wanted to believe it was just a mistyped window title, but lo and behold, hats, weapons, settings were missing
Any ideas, or any other Ubuntu users out there have 0.9.12 working?
Solved! ... mostly. Still confused as to why this happened, but here's what I found.
1) Using apt to remove the old Hedgewars uninstalled my previous 0.9.11 and removed Hedgewars from my Applications>Games menu.
2) Installing Hedgewars 0.9.12 from PlayDeb DID place a working copy of .12 on my system
3) A new menu item was added to Applications>Games named Hedgewars. However. It was pointing to /usr/local/bin/hedgewars
4) Running
which hedgewars
shows that this is the default hedgewars binary
4) The new, correct version is located at /usr/lib/hedgewars/bin/hedgewars
Updating my launcher with the full path and making a symlink in my home directory to the correct binary fixed it for me.
This is likely my fault, as I had older versions of Hedgewars on my system -- but I would have assumed that the default behavior of PlayDeb's package would be to create menu items pointing to the new files copied over from the .deb, not whatever your path thinks is 'hedgewars' Does anyone on the forum have a connection with PlayDeb? Verifying the correct behavior in this package could definitely save some Ubuntu user headaches

Ahm, I have a thing to share here. I don't know if I'm too slow but I think the announcers disappear too fast. I personally can't read a whole sentence that takes the whole width of the screen in 1 second (or maybe less). And pressing Pause in order to read it might be a dull option in single player but impossible in multi.
It just roxx I love it.
I can't wait for the portal gun and the balloon hedgehog.
Long life to hedgewars.
hey my deb file
Ubuntu 32Bits
Thanks for the .deb, Mr.A. ! Worked like a charm!

please, could anybody provide also 64-bit version of Ubuntu deb for 0.9.12? When installing from playdeb, 0.9.7 is installed instead of 0.9.12, the same as via synaptic. Thanks in advance.
Untested builds for playdeb here.
you want the amd64 versions of getdeb2 for both packages.
That would be:
Wonderful! As i didn't have any older install I had to install the libsdl-mixer
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install libsdl-mixer1.2
Home free!