Are you Ninja?
Mon, 2009-10-26 10:55 — Uriah
I've had a few people tell me through email, through the forums and through IRC that the rope in Hedgewars is "useless" , "weak", "pointless" and so on.
I was going to record a video for these people, to show them that not only is the Rope useful, but it's the most powerful weapon in the game.
Thankfully however, ♫ DJ. LisT ♫ has done this for me
Congrats on your skillz guys, I might have to take you on some day.
Expect more challenging shoppa maps soon :)
I was going to record a video for these people, to show them that not only is the Rope useful, but it's the most powerful weapon in the game.
Thankfully however, ♫ DJ. LisT ♫ has done this for me
Congrats on your skillz guys, I might have to take you on some day.
Expect more challenging shoppa maps soon :)
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Stopped at 54 seconds, this might be fun for shoppa addicts but pretty boring for everyone else like me. :P
Now make a video with almost impossible shots with bazooka, plane and grenades. That i would LOVE to see!!
*replaces "ninja" with "wicked monkeys" on the topic*
And who was the tard who said the rope was weak? Its the STRONGEST weapon of the game without any doubt, even tho it's still quite bugged. :P
Oh, and nice job in bringin' a video up.
stay tuned!
i respectfully disagree. what you're probably referring to are features (:
now on with the flamewar!
Sony said the same when the PSP 3000 was unable tor read a few games properly, they got all blurry and the text almost unreadable. lol
Keyword: "features"
I don't see how it becomes boring when you don't play shoppa. I am a shoppa player myself. Haven't perfected it yet but I manage to own.... sometimes
Rope is indeed the most powerful weapon just need some tweaking and adjustment IMO.
It's so fun to play... Even if you don't have any weapon you can enjoy flying across the map !

Flying across the map...
riiiiiiight into the water.
Yay for Islands map + Borderless Shoppa scheme
^ That is total pain in the a*se.
But the Zoom-tool comes in handy here and if I may say - it's MUCH better with it, although it makes things a little bit easier. 
C'mon, tell the truth!
No one said it was weak. You just wanted to post the monkey video! XD My friends say it's even better than the rope in the original Worms!!!
♫ DJ. LisT ♫
when i did the video never thought it would be so famous.

i wanted to show people how is the shoppa mode. and now i see it works.
Simon Brown
I had the pleasure of playing with DJ List. Let's just say it made me very depressed.
Hey ♫ DJ. LisT ♫ why did u Incorporate? Am I not skilled enough?
Zuljin The Hedgehog
Kekeke, anyone could observe that on an endless match on the server (I saw such tricks that i thought were impossible!)... Rope is useful if you are a normal player, not a dick-soul douche-moron like me.
Oh I hate shoppa.
But thank you for taking those boring "Hedgewars rope doesn't work" guys of our back.
Good job, Dj List. We haven't played some time. Should go back to practice. 
I just watched the whole video. I played with most of these guys and can confirm they're good. Did you make the second part? I see some people are missing.
My younger brother was so addicted with this game. I just watched the video, it's nice . Now I know why my brother love this so much.