messed up fonts on Linux
Sun, 2009-11-01 23:43
I recently started playing hedgewars-0.9.7 on Fedora10-i686. It works great, except that the fonts on the setup screens are too big for the space that they're provided, and as a result, I can't read most of them.
Here's an example of how it looks:
How do I reduce the size of the fonts so that they're readable?
First of all install newest version available which is 0.9.12 for now.
Try to run frontend in fullscreen mode.
Font settings can be changed with application called qtconfig.
Remeber that this will change whole qt setting in system even in programs where fonts look good for you.
Press any key to continue, or any other key to cancel.
If you're playing it in a windowed mode, then this is not a problem. You can get the same thing in Windows if the window is too small. Try resizing it to a bigger size and everything should come to it's place.
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