[Maps] 1Jailbreak Map,1 RC Map +2 Shoppamaps +4 propermaps +3 new Roperace maps !!!
A very balanced and good to play shoppamap (in my opinion)
in new version (with preview picture now...)
A little shoppa map for up to 24 Hedges, very balanced and nice to play, too (in my opinion)
And i made a little Proper-map
In proper there is only one hog per team with 200 energy.
Ropes, Bazooka, mines and grenades are unlimited. You are only allowed to throw weapons from the rope. And as this isnt still enough the timelimit is 15 secs!! just try it, its really fun after a while of training...
You can also leave the Game-setup like it is and turn the weapon-scheme the other way rond, means that theres only rope as weapon (like in shoppa) and in supplies you set grenades, bazooka and mines...
These are the settings for Proper mode:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/tg3lazydz5d/Proper Shoppa.zip
Hope you like it, you can play Shoppa or Proper on it but for shoppa it may be a little small... Remember that you have to collect Firstaid before you attack, if there is one!
Proper rules
...one more Proper/Shoppamap with rules written left and right of map, so that you dont have to explain every time...
...map with rules written lower left/right...
1 Hog each, unlimited ropes, Border around map,40 secods, no mines.
No weapons but unlimited Teleport to get to start position!
First take positions at the startpoint and end move, till all stand at startpoint.
Then the first hog begins to rope till Finish as fast as Possible, the next turn back to start and so on...:
Have fun with it
A much bigger one;) set time to 99!
A Roperace with circles...
you have to reach one circle after another by touching it with rope...
An Rc Training map for 2 Players (or 4/8Player in 2 Teams)
Place your Hogs in one circled place per Team and use your Rc for attacking each other... Weapons only Rc...
Idea of me and Bhw0011
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PS. I really like labirynth map
To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Thanx for the tip and thanx for likeing my map;)
But play the updated Hellshoppa also, you`l like it this time!
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hey hey ... good job!
Thx, Dj!
Theres a second propermap in the first post now...
Its a little better because you could hide in the corners in first map so that you couldnt be attacked
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New weaponscheme: Propershoppa!
leave the Game-setup like it is and turn the weapon-scheme the other way rond, means that theres only rope as weapon (like in shoppa) and in supplies you set grenades, bazooka and mines... Dont forget:Pick box before attacking!
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That you know whats a roperace:
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freack video..
New Rcmap available...
In HH 0.9.11 it was possible to use rc directly if you dont have another weapon selected, dont know why it doesnt work in 0.9.12... so you have to end moove 3 times after taking place in the holes...
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I thought with our Prison Break map for the background we could have the city ctf file. And if you can and for the land have it concrete brick style with chalk marks and holes where someones tried to escape. Also some cell bars. :D
heres the bricks:
note: the bricks are pretty much a copy of the bricks in ropes but i`ve tightened and grey scaled them
And heres some effects:
note: the 'get me outa here' drawing might need some work
(consider redoing
oh and what can i use to configure cfg files. and it looks good with city background
ok, ill try today!
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There u are!
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heres some runs on the roperace balls:
see if you can beat my best time of 27 seconds.