Weapon ideas from me (Asmageddon)

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In case my idea of scripted weapons gets rejected here are some weapon ideas:
Shotgun - should fire some smaller bullets instead of one
Guided missile - Guided missile, but wait! Not a standard guided missile. With this one you set up lets say 5 waypoints, adjust range in which they are considered accomplished and fire. Your missile then follows each waypoint to the target.
Petrol Bomb is really, really weak. I think its fire should damage terrain and there should be more of it
Railgun - Fires straight ray that cuts trought any terrain damaging everything on its way.
Hammer - Hammer that have been approved should (in my opinion) have few different attacks that get toggled by pressing Up and Down arrows. There should be one like suggested, 'upslash' and 'tornado' attack that does only slightly move hedgedogs, but deals more damage.
Spiderman web - Like rope but player shots two different ropes alternatively, and they are a bit more 'elastic'
Harpoon - like rope, but you can shot it at enemy(or your) hedgedog, then fire it again. And voila! Two hedgedogs get connected(or one gets connected to ceiling)
Kamikaze - I think that damage from kamikaze attack should vary depending on health of hedgedog using it.
Heavy bolter - It shots heavy rods of metal that can pierce trough terrain (but only a bit, then they get stuck in it and become part of it), or pierce hedgedogs attaching them to walls(They can 'slip' of it but they lose health then). Player can control amount of shots and accuarcy by pressing 1-5 (when firing one shot it is perfectly accuarte, but when firing 5 shots it gets fired in almost completly random direction)
Ghost move - Player choses direction and presses fire. Then his/her hedgedog phases trough terrain and materializes afterwards. This does not end turn but can be used only once per turn.
Shrink - Shrinks targeted hedgedog, shrunken hedgedogs is slower, jumps lower, but is harder to hit and can get trough small holes. Also everything fired by him is twice smaller
Enlarge - Enlarges targeted hedgedog. Enlarged hedgedog jumps twice as high and far, is twice faster. Also everything fired by him is twice as big, but he is easier to hit and can't get trough smaller passages.
Death Ray - Imperial March is played and then a giant red beam from sky completly annihilates terrain and deals much damage in straight down ray at chosen point. (like concrete donkey from WWP, but smaller and instant)
Gravity generator - Gets placed somewhere (may be in air), and disturbs moveent of everything close(Hedgedogs, rockets, etc. everything) by generating gravity.
Force grip - Like one from star wars. You grab another hedgedog (or something else, if my idea with realtime mode gets implemented it can also be bazooka bullet) and you can normally aim with arrows, L/R arrows push/pull it, and Up/Down arrows change angle(you can freely rotate 360 degrees around). After time grip starts to weaken and instead of firmly holding target it more 'sucks' it in, ends after time or after pressig space, so you can throw somebody.
Alien morph - Morph current hedgedog into alien. Alien can only use few weapons (his claws and maybe skip turn, rope and few other), but is twice faster than normal hedgedog, jumps higher and can walk on walls and ceiling(like cake does). After death explodes with acid. When used second time at same hedgedog it morphs him into alien queen that can use "Alien egg" weapon every 3 turns and gets carpace that reduces taken damage by 25%.
Alien egg - Alien egg gets placed by alien queen. After three turns (if it is not destroyed) it morphs into alien with 30 health points(they increase up to 80. 5 per turn, stops when hit). Alien is in same team as queen. It works only if a special modificator is chosen before round starts.
Hold up - Current hedgedog disappears from battle and appears few turns(4?) later in point chosen by player and continues his turn. If all other hedgedogs get killed during period when he is not present team loses.
Med kit - Heals current hedgedog by 25 health points
Shelter - Creates metal wall around current hedgedog.

Some incredibly strong weapons that could be used instead of rising water as sudden death. (or get enabled with sudden death)
Atlantida - Water drops veeeery low and then disappears. In place of water a giant 'tower' gets created (map turns into laaarge pillar with standard map on top). There are incredibly strong winds, random teleports and maybe something else.
Restricted area - On both sides of map giant round, metal walls arise from water, creating a semishperical barrier around map, and then from small holes in it machineguns start firing so everyone have got to hide. Bullets make small holes in terrain and deal 3/4 damage each.
Atomic bomb - Of course small atomic bomb. When sudden death starts atomic bomb falls at center of map making large hole and radiating all worms, there is also shockwave that pushes everything back. After bob gets dropped there is no wind, but some anomalies that for example teleport hedgedogs, alter gravity, distort space. Also terrain slowly 'shrinks' (I'll explain: If your map is a ball then that ball shrinks, bridges get this slimmer, and so on.)
Vacuum - Each turn after sudden death air friction, gravity and wind get weaker. In the end there is not enough air to breathe and hedgedogs start losing health. If they would still survive then gravity gets so weak that by jumping they can fly to orbit, and so disappear from battle
??? - Each turn after sudden death map gets scaled down, hedgedogs of course get moved (if they were standing at cliff near end of map they still stand at cliff after map shrinks.). They of course can get squashed. ^^
Moving walls - At sides of map walls appear and they slowly move to center.
Meteor shower - There was meteor shower in WWP, so there is no need for explaination.

Hope you like them. In my country it is quite late now so I have to go. I'll write more sometime(almost surely). All comments/suggestios are appreciated.

User offline. Last seen 14 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
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As i said in my suggestions thread I'm posting fantasy weapons/spell ideas:
Dagger - Deals low(or medium if stabbed from behind) damage. Everyone can use it.
Throwing dagger - Basic ranged weapon. Deals low damage, but everyone can use it.
Sword - Deals much damage, short range, not rotateable.
Bow - Well, I guess everybody knows how bow works, but it shots an arrow affected by wind, deals damage depending on its speed at moment when it hits enemy(or friend)
Poisoned weapons - Does not end turn, poisons enemy hedgehog hit with any weapon
Crossbow - Similliar to bow, but it launches bolts at very high velocities, can pierce hedgehogs with small amount of health, not affected by wind.
Repeating crossbow - Vatican forbidden using these weapons, but hedgehogs are atheists. It is a crossbow initially loaded with few (maybe 5 here?) bolts
Mace - Works like hammer suggested by someone, except it is mace
SpearSpear can be thrown, they do not get affected by wind, and they can pierce hedgehogs attaching them to terrain if they are thrown from small range or from higher place.
Shield - Works for few rounds, reflects magic bolts, nullifies blunt damage(Mace, Stonestorm) and halves weapon damage done to hedgedog. However it requires more focus, and thus spells cost 20% more mana, and all attacks performed deal only 80% of damage.

Basic spells:
Healing - Heals any targeted hedgehog within range
Teleportation - Teleports hedgehog to chosen place
Magic bolt - something like whip. Weak and cheap magic trick dealing some damage. Homes at target.
Magic bolts - like magic bolt. Except it does launch few bolts.
Decoy - Creates a hedgehog with 1 hp, that can be selected and used as any of hedgedog, disappears after few turns, when mage is hurt, or when gets killed. Can't collect crates.

Astral spells:
Healing aura - Heals everything within range. Also enemies.
Magic shield - Creates shield protecting its wearer. Nothing can enter this.
Rewind time - Rewinds time to start of previous round (your enemy round), and allows you to watch as your enemy moves. Spell (and round) ends when you fire spell/weapon or interfere with one of enemy hedgehogs that did move then.
Ressurect - When targeted at grave it ressurects that hedgehog. To avoid mistakes friends graves are blue-ish and enemy are red-ish
Death ray - Deals 150 damage. If enemy is still alive after that it reduces his health to half.

Fire spells:
Firebolt - hurls a mighty firebolt.
Fireball - a mighty fireball that explodes making big hole, spreading flames all around and dealing great damage to many hedgehogs
Firewall - hedgehog makes bonfire and turns it into great firewall with his magic. Can get extinguished by rain, water or ice spells.
Fire field - creates wide field of magic fire.

Water spells:
Icebolt - hurls a mighty icebolt.Freezes
Iceball - Freezes everything within its explosion range, be it hedgehogs, mines or terrain.
Rain - Rain starts rising water level (or if you implement dynamic liquids it acts like real rain.)
Ice wall - Mage manipulates humidity from air and creates an ice wall. Can get broken by fire spell or with use of mace
Wave - High wave arises sinking hedgehogs that get touched by it. Horizontal position of spell can be chosen.

Air spells:
Push - Air wave pushes everything in a wide arc.
Tornado - Small tornado grabs everything close, and then tosses it around
Crush - You can crush selected hedgehog bones making him lose health while moving and unable to jump.
Lower gravity - by making all the winds blow upward you can make everything feel like low-grav. Lasts for few turns.
Chaos - Makes all winds blow haotically in some direction. Makes winds go insanely strong for few turns.
Poison gas - Creates a cloud of poisonus gas, hedgehogs can walk trough it but they get poisoned and lose much health
Implosion - Creates a hole around chosen place(both in air and terrain) creating mighty implosion.
NOTE: Some of air spells can be cast with less mana than normally required. They would just be weaker/shorter.

Earth spells:
Earthquake - Mighty earthquake shakes the ground.
Stonestorm - Mage launches stone after stone dealing severe damage
Wall - Works like grider. Creates thick wall of earth.
Earthball - Mage fires mighty earthball, that does create terrain in place where it hits imprisoning hedgehogs inside.
Rolling boulder - Rolling boulder suashing hedgehogs on its way
Meteor - Mage calls for a mighty meteor that falls from heavens and destroys his enemies...

Void spells:
These are most powerfull spells in existence... only a mage with insane supplies of mana and incredible skills can cast them...
Nullify atmosphere - Void. Void. Gravity, air, water, wind, fire, ice, everything disappears for few rounds. During this hedgehogs lose health due to lack of air
Nullify life - Kills caster and deals amount of damage equal to half of his health to everyone.
Nullify magic - Disables magic for few turns. Stops all ongoing spells.
Nullify soul - Increases amount of mana this hedgehog have got, but drains his life.
Nullify time - Makes current turn time infinite, but it still does end after casting/attacking
Heavens gate - Turns current hedgehog into almost-god - he gains twice as much mana, his current amount gets doubled, he becomes immortal, however... gods do not like it. He disappears after few (maybe 3?) turns.

In specialization mode there are few skills:
Melee weapons - Allows use of mace, sword, spear and all other melee weapons. Increases damage done with dagger.
Protection - Hedgehog gains armor, that decreases damage done to him by 25%, allows use of shield and makes him stand on ground more firmly(he can't be pushed/knocked so easily)
Ranged weapons - Allows use of bows, crossbows and increases damage done with throwing knifes.
Basic magic - Allows use of basic spells. Required to learn fire/water/earth/air/astral magic
Astral magic - Allows use of astral spells
Fire magic - Allows use of fire spells
Water magic - Allows use of water spells
Earth magic - Allows use of earth spells
Air magic - Allows use of air spells
Air magic - Allows use of air spells
Void magic - To learn it hedgehog have to know at least three schools of magic(Basic+Astral+Fire/Water/Earth/Air). Most powerfull spells of all.

So at start there are following classes:
Fire mage(Basic+Fire magic)
Water mage(Basic+Water magic)
Air mage(Basic+Air magic)
Earth mage(Basic+Earth magic)
Priest(Basic+Astral magic)
Hunter(Ranged+Basic magic)
Warmage adept(Melee+Basic magic)
Defender(Protection+Basic magic)

Some of second level classes:
Paladin(Melee+Protection+Basic magic)
Fire warmage(Melee+Basic+Fire magic)
Water warmage(Melee+Basic+Water magic)
Earth warmage(Melee+Basic+Earth magic)
Air warmage(Melee+Basic+Air magic)
Fire guardian(Protection+Basic+Fire magic)
Water guardian(Protection+Basic+Water magic)
Earth guardian(Protection+Basic+Earth magic)
Air guardian(Protection+Basic+Air magic)
Fire-water mage(Basic+Fire+Water magic)
Fire-air mage(Basic+Fire+Air magic)
Fire-earth mage(Basic+Fire+Earth magic)
Water-air mage(Basic+Water+Air magic)
Water-earth mage(Basic+Water+Earth magic)
Earth-air mage(Basic+Earh+Air magic)
Fire worshipper(Basic+Astral+Fire magic)
Water worshipper(Basic+Astral+Water magic)
Earth worshipper(Basic+Astral+Earth magic)
Air worshipper(Basic+Astral+Air magic)

Maximum level is fife, at which hedgehog have got six specializations. As for additional per-specialization skills/weapons/spells read:

By the way - If you will implement scripted weapons you can leave weapon design to me, and focus on anything you want. If you will implement it, and decide that fantasy mode is a good idea I could create spell/weapon/tool/skill for EVERY class(yes, I know the amount... but I am very good at scripting(I'm too lazy for programming, as it requires me to learn using OGL,various libraries, and many other things), and I have got REALLY much spare time, but I do not promise, that ALL of them will be unique... they will stack, so at fifth level hedgehog will have fife special skills/spells/weapons/tools.

As for non-specialization mode simply all spells and weapons (except these most powerfull or per-class ones) are available at starts (if they are enabled in scheme/weapon set)

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Really, if you wanna add depth to this kind of game, you'd better off with the money idea together with a new "Campaign mode", this is too much RPG-like and that means "high complexity on small things".
I'll give an example when i have more time to develop this post. Smile

User offline. Last seen 14 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
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Well, first - These are just suggestions for weapons, and I think that it would be really nice if there were many weapon 'sets' that can be chosen, second - if you consider this as too much work then implement scripted weapons and leave it to me, third - idea with classes is that if game is started with classes(also my suggestion) instead of normal all-purpose hedgehogs then player can for example choose one more powerfull hedgehog(with more skills) and rest as specialized in one thing. This way game would be more strategic as placement of individual hedges would be more important. Advancing to better classes would be good for an campaign mode as you said.

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Another sets of opinions from me - nothing states anything will get into the game nor something won't be there, etc. Smile

Shotgun: Maybe 3 smaller bullets to give it some spread but still make it a direct target weapon ... I won't touch it, but maybe someone else prefers that. Smile

Guided Missile: How about adding a minigame where you have to beat a computer playing tic-tac-toe to launch a massive nuclear strike against enemy hogs picked first? Complexity!

Petrol Bomb: It does damage terrain. More fire might slow down games on weaker computers (all flames are objects interacting with the world, each other, etc.).

Railgun: Desert Eagle as well as Sniper Rilfe could be considered weaker Railguns. Just not blasting through everything (a real Railgun won't fire through everything for an unlimited distance as well).

Hammer: Get someone to do/draw it in a funny way and I might think about it.

Spiderman web: Complexity? Rope is already "easy to learn, hard to master" imo.

Harpoon: Interesting idea but what happens to the other hog? Will start his round "on rope"? Needs more input...

Kamikaze: Could be a bad as well as a good idea. Might make sacrificing a hog less valueable as well as destroying its retaliation value ("Do I want to shoot this hog down to 10 health now and get blown by his Kamikaze?").

Heavy bolter: Sounds interesting but "nailing" hogs to walls? Could end odd ... Smile

Ghost move: We've got a more powerful teleportation.

Shrink: Somehow don't like it. Basic idea, okay, but "why"? Don't shrink him - just blow him up.

Enlarge: Same as above

Death Ray: No, doesn't fit the game, violates copyright (Imperial March :P) and overall... could think of better super weapons.

Gravity generator: As mentioned in the other thread; not possible.

Force grip: Could be too overpowered. Try to use seduction. <3

Alien morph: This is about hedgewars in (probably) your backyard ... not about some strange alien planet.

Alien egg: See above.

Hold up: Unsure... like a delayed teleport...

Med kit: We've got med packs. You can't save them but there's no maximum health either.

Shelter: Play with girders.

Atlantica: Complexity - cut the raising land idea and it could be more interesting.

Restricted area: This isn't some kind of strange test lab. The cake is a lie!

Atomic bomb: Maybe something similar but why radiation causing strange effects? You aren't Stan Lee, are you? Big Grin

Vacuum: Interesting, but missing gravity would make almost all weapons mean "instant death". Also would require major rewrites in engine.

???: Impossible or at least very hard/complex to do.

Moving walls: Coming out of nowhere? Don't like it.

Meteor Shower: Maybe ...

Spell/Melee Weapons/Skills/Whatever: No, this isn't an RPG. Smile

User offline. Last seen 14 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
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Ahhh, at least somebody did reply properly. Too bad you do not like my ideas. So my re-replies:

Petrol bomb: I do not mean more fire, but more terrain-damaging fire. Like napalm(or a bit less)

Railgun: Yes, I know that in reality it won't blast trough everything(I know that it is hard to build a railgun that could blast trough glass, not even mentioning concrete... but in most games railguns blast trough walls :P), but it is a game, and this could be good idea, in my opinion - More(good) weapons = Better

Hammer: I'm not good at drawing, but I might take a try.

Spiderman web: I tought rather of allowing player to catch enemy hedges with second line. Also this could be fun.

Harpoon: Harpoon would be a bit elastic, but would still limit hedgedog movement, that could be usefull to hold a hedge in one place for few rounds so he can't do much to you. Also sometimes shooting your own hedges could be usefull to for example make him unknockable(when you play immortal hedges mode)

Kamikaze: Well, you're right. Maybe enabled as option?

Heavy bolter: Yes... that would be odd, but could be fun... stay in place, or lose health and be free?

Ghost move: "We've got a more powerful teleportation." - but it does end turn...

Shrink: You could shrink your own hedges to - for example - get trough railgun hole and make enemy unable to chase you.

Enlarge: It would be very easy to hit enlarged hedge, also it could limit his movement. On other hand you could make your own hedge more powerfull and make him dig larger tunnels, that enemy can't jump over.

Death Ray: "No, doesn't fit the game, violates copyright (Imperial March :P) and overall... could think of better super weapons." - well, in my opinion some super weapon is needed, but not too powerfull, something like that would be just right as rare super-weapon

Gravity generator: I guess you're right.

Force grip: I think that it would be a *LOT* of fun, also it could be enabled only in some game-modes.

Alien morph: Then maybe change it to some special shoes that allow wall-walking? Could be a lot of fun to shot enemy under you

Alien egg: Well, that was really... crazy weapon, I don't know how I came up with this ^^'

Hold up: After appearing this hedgehog would continue turn started previously, and after him that player would have second move with another hedge, so this could be usefull if he would survive without that hedge.

Med kit: "We've got med packs. You can't save them[...]" - and that is the point - to be able to heal yourself at any moment. Maybe 25% of med packs would be storeable?

Shelter: Griders are not nice and round, and you can't fire them while airbone

Atlantica: Complexity - cut the raising land idea and it could be more interesting.

Restricted area: "This isn't some kind of strange test lab. The cake is a lie!" :P

Atomic bomb: Ok... without strange effects.

Vacuum: Gravity would slowly decrease, not instantly disappear. This would slowly make all weapons(and moves) more deadly. Good way to prevent too long games(in my opinion)

???: I'm not into structure of hwengine, so I can't argue with you on that.

Moving walls: "Coming out of nowhere? Don't like it." They could appear from underwater. ^^

Spell/Melee Weapons/Skills/Whatever: Yes, this is not a RPG, but more weapon sets would be nice to have some variety between games. I think that when (and if) scripted weapons would get implemented ability to create whole new weapon sets (like in OpenLieroX) would be really good idea. (Standard, Realistic weaponry, Fantasy, Medieval, Futuristic, Fruit warfare... you really have no idea what people can come up with and how much fun it could be :P)

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