0.9.12 Freezes

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I had tried the game with an nvidia graphic card that did not support 3D acceleration very well and the menu did not freeze. However, the game lagged really bad as it was not well supported.

This is telling me that it is likely in how opengl works with the game or with how the game works with opengl as that is what my integrated video can handle and my nvidia card really can't.

I tried the game in not full-screen, no sound, no music, reduced quality, and it still froze.

Thank GNU for your help.

Below listed is original post:

When I right click in the game to bring up the weapons menu, the game freezes completely. I can not close it. I can not alt+ctrl+delete. I can not alt+ctrl+F1, or F2, or anything on my system Trisquel 3.0 to get where I can log into root and reboot. The entire computer system freezes with Hedewars up and the music playing. I have been resorting to hard booting with the power switch to get the computer back up. When I use the keys to switch weapons, it doesn't freeze. The error is in whatever is generating the weapons menu, not in switching weapons themselves and it is a very critical error. Please respond soon as I love this game. Also, the error is new to 0.9.12. Thank GNU.

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Were you using the nvidia binary driver?

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Not sure. Whatever the completely Free Software driver was that comes installed with Trisquel 3.0.

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Completely free is a bit ambiguous. Both drivers are "free"

The difference is one is FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) and the other is a binary built by nvidia.

Anyway, I would recommend trying the nvidia one if you aren't already.

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I meen Free as in Free Software Foundation approved. The Free Software movement is about Software Freedom, ethics. I run Trisquel instead of ubuntu because Trisquel respects users freedoms and ubutu doesn't.

Software that is non-free is a social wrong, a poison to the digital world, and should be boycotted, and replaced with Free Software. Software under licences that are Free Software Foundation approved as protecting the freedom of the users.

Installing the non-free nvidia bianary is not a socially acceptable answer as it robs its users of their freedoms. That is why my nvidia card is mostly a doorstop. Freedom must be valued more than ease of functionality itslef.

Hedgewars is Free Software, GPLv2, there must be a way to get it to work with the integrated video that does support 3D accleration with opengl.

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f13ticket allegedly wrote:

I meen Free as in Free Software Foundation approved. The Free Software movement is about Software Freedom, ethics. I run Trisquel instead of ubuntu because Trisquel respects users freedoms and ubutu doesn't.

Software that is non-free is a social wrong, a poison to the digital world, and should be boycotted, and replaced with Free Software. Software under licences that are Free Software Foundation approved as protecting the freedom of the users.

Installing the non-free nvidia bianary is not a socially acceptable answer as it robs its users of their freedoms. That is why my nvidia card is mostly a doorstop. Freedom must be valued more than ease of functionality itslef.

Hedgewars is Free Software, GPLv2, there must be a way to get it to work with the integrated video that does support 3D accleration with opengl.

i completely agree with what you've said, instally proprietary drivers is insane!
however currently on the market there is only one graphic card with opensource drivers (intel ones suck), and it costs only about 2400$

see http://wiki.opengraphics.org/tiki-index.php for more information
you'll also get an open source piece of hardware! you just need to switch to an OpenSPARC processor and then you'll have your computer completely opensource, both software and hardware!


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To be honest I am still confused about that as I am getting a lot of different information from a lot of different people. It is the most confusing thing I have read about in Free Software.

1: Some people link me to what you linked me to.

2: Some people tell me that intel ones work. (They do, that's what's on my desktop.) But it on old desktop and not very high power.

3: Some say that (soon?) certain Radeon cards like the one in my laptop will be supported.

4: There is a list of a lot of cards that have DRI support on the fallowing web site that the Free Software Foundation's site links to.

Is DRI support the same as 3D? Direct Render Interface? I'm going to ask at the Trisquel message board as I still don't fully understand.

Thank GNU.

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Yeah, I'm not totally sure of the capabilities of the FOSS driver for NVidia cards, but I know it is far from complete.

And, yes, the main entity at fault for that is NVidia.

Besides the card Koda mentioned, I think the FOSS drivers for ATI are a bit ahead of the FOSS one for NVidia.

And of course if most intel chips didn't suck, I've always had good results with those.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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From what I have heard the Free Software Driver for the next, (or next after that) that comes with Trisquel might be able to do 3D. (For my Radeon card.)

The thing is I have heard that the Linux-Libre Kernel that will ship with it won't be able to handle that yet. I am hoping to compile a newer Linux-Libre from source and be able to get 3D functionality with the driver on the new Trisquel release slated for this month.

If all goes well, then my laptop should be able to play Hedgewars.

I still think it is because of something with how the driver/card is interpreting opengl that my intel board is freezing. Many "2D" games still use opengl for graphic functions.

0.9.11 worked fine on the intel integrated video. (It's an old comp so I enable the reduce quality feature. But it plays smoothly once I do.) I think it is whatever has been changed with the menu that comes up on right clicking from 0.9.11 to 0.9.12 that the card/driver doesn't know how to work with.

Wasn't there weapon descriptions that were added that pop up now? Maybe that's what's throwing it off. Or is that for newer versions of Hedgewars to come?

I would like to say great work on Hedgewars. The game is very fun. I hope to be able to play it more easily with completely Free Software in they very near future. I realize the difficulties are not coming from you, but rather from the hardware manufactures who may not be supportive of digital freedoms as well as the Free Software community would like them to be.

At the moment, to be honest, this is really one of the last major challenges for the functionality of completely Free Software Systems. The community wants the 3D, and the systems have opengl and everything else that can handle it just as well as ubuntu and anyone else. It's just that some of the companies aren't licensing their drivers under Free Software Licenses and thus their freedoms are stripped away and their source code is hidden.

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Nothing has changed in that menu. Nothing to speak of. There have been very few changes in 0.9.12 that should impact your card.


is for x86 - just has explicit disabling of NPOTT (also checked in to the .12 branch in svn).

If you can do your own build of .12, could perhaps launch hwengine from commandline in gdb to see where exactly it is locking up.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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I'm not sure how to do this. This is what I got back. Thank you.

saz@VOOTTEST:~$ gdb
GNU gdb 6.8-debian
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i486-linux-gnu".
(gdb) hedgewars
Undefined command: "hedgewars". Try "help".
(gdb) hwengine
Undefined command: "hwengine". Try "help".

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Ok. First off, did you try replacing your hwengine w/ the one off my site?

I suggested trying that first (and also making sure both sound and music are disabled).

Once you are done that, if you are still having problems what you will want to do is:
gdb /path/to/hwengine
set args /path/to/hedgewars/Data /path/to/testdemo.hwd_29

If it crashes, type:

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Now I'm really confused.

I tried Hedgewars 0.9.13-dev that I compiled from source and the problem is gone.

0.9.11 installed from .deb package = no freezing.
0.9.12 installed from .deb package = freezing when right click to bring up weapon menu.
0.9.12 compiled from source = freezing when right click to bring up weapon menu.
0.9.13-dev compiled from source = no freezing.

To me, that says the error is in 0.9.12. Something was done that broke 0.9.12 from 0.9.11 and whatever that was is now fixed in 0.9.13-dev.

I read the new post on the homepage and am super excited about the stable release of 0.9.13. However, 0.9.13-dev does not go online. I am thinking this is because the server only works with the most updated stable release which is currently 0.9.12 and once 0.9.13 is released as stable it will work with that.

I am not sure if I should just wait for 0.9.13 stable as the site says it is coming soon. Or, in the meantime, perhaps see if anyone knows where in the source code the error in 0.9.12 is so that I can modify it to be gone.

Currently, 0.9.12 is not as much fun for me as it could be because I can not right click. I am using the function keys to change things as the right click freezes the game. I mostly play Hedgewars online right now so 0.9.13-dev isn't realy useful to me yet in that regard. If this is a simple little thing I can probably edit the source myself to fix it if someone tells me what to edit. Otherwise, I am really looking forward to 0.9.13 stable for all its new features and the return of right clicking.

Also, it might be good for the development team to know what happened. It was working in 0.9.11, then not in 0.9.12, then working again in 0.9.13-dev. If no one knows why it does not work in 0.9.12 then what is stopping them from accidentally making it not work again in 0.9.14? I know that this error is specific somehow to my video functionality. But surely I'm not the only one that uses video like this. I would assume not anyway, even though I may be the only one experiencing this error.

Also worth noting is that 0.9.12 will only run in reduced quality mode. It freezes when that is not on. However, 0.9.13-dev can run without reduced quality mode. Perhaps this is somehow tied with the error.

Thank you all for your help and, again, great game and here's looking forward to 0.9.13 stable!

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You can play 0.9.13 on m8y.org - 0.9.13 will be playable on official server once unc0rr restarts the server.

And of course plenty of people in irc://irc.freenode.net/hedgewars can play HEAD

As for compiling 0.9.12 - please check out tags/0.9.12 and try compiling that - it disables NPOTT which might be the source of your odd error.

The weapons menu might have textures that are non-power of two, and somehow causing the problem w/ your graphics driver.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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BTW, if it *is* NPOTT, then using the hwengine I had linked to would also have solved :-p

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
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How do I use the engine you linked me to? You also keep telling me to use gdb. I don't know how to use either of these. I download your engine, right click on it, and then tell it to allow to be excited as a program. When I try to open it, it does not open. It doesn't do anything. I posted the results of trying to run Hedgewars in gdb. I do not understand how to use the things you are telling me to try and that isn't really helping much. :-/

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Ah. I figured since you'd managed a build you were fairly knowledgeable.

Simply replace the hwengine installed by your ubuntu package with mine.

so something like this:
sudo cp ~/Desktop/Downloads/hwengine /usr/lib/hedgewars/bin/hwengine
sudo chmod 755 /usr/lib/hedgewars/bin/hwengine

BTW, I'd filed a bug asking the ubuntu guys to update their package w/ the NPOTT change - I don't think they did it though Sad Smiley

As for gdb, I gave you detailed instructions.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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I am very knowledgeable in some areas and not easily so much yet in others. Hedgewars was not hard to compile as the instructions told me what to do and I already cut my teeth on compiling a game from source with Wormux. (Both Hedgewars and Wormux are Free Software and I like them both in different ways.) I remember you gave instructions but I kinda didn't know what to do with them. I think if I think it through and look at them again it I can figure it.

Thank you for your help and advise and I'm sorry if I sound snippy sometimes.

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0.9.12 works now. Though, I do have a question and a comment.

How do I compile so that the hwengine comes out this way? I like to learn stuff like this.

Also, my system it was in /usr/local/bin but I know that can be different depending on the system. Also, on a gnome system, I find it easier to launch nautilus from root to move files around. Not sure why more people don't recommend that but I think it's different in KDE.

Thank you again very much for your work on this great game and for helping me so much. Even though 0.9.12 is working, and I am happy about that, I am still looking forward to 0.9.13 because 0.9.13-dev is so fun! Keep up the great work!

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Nothing wrong with Gnome.

This comment describes making a 0.9.12 build w/ similar patches to that hwengine - the NPOTT disabling is already in the 0.9.12 tag as noted.

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There is nothing wrong with GNOME.

I was just stating both that I'm not sure if Nautilus runs only in GNOME because I think KDE has a different program for file managing and that I sometimes think that it's easier to just launch Nautilus from root power to manage files than using Terminal.

I will look into what you have posted as I am excited to learn more. Thank you.

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