The game's progress bar
Sun, 2010-01-31 13:35
If I come in on server and want join to game, I need to make new game or choose existing game from table belongs to someone.
In the 1st case, it is simple, Ii make my room with unique name
BUT in the 2nd case I have a problem with the choice of room, I have never knew at what stage is the game.
I think that good idea is create a progress bar and add it to table with rooms.
Ants in pants ;P
There is such thing actually. Look at the most left side of the table, where the name of the rooms are displayed. If there is an explosion image in front of the name, the game is in progress (mouse over the image too see the tool tip). If there is a small watch, then the game is still in the lobby that is - hasn't started yet.
Another suggestion that refersto the server's table - add a field (or just a small drop-down menu) with the names of the players that are currently in room X. Yes, I know that if one right clicks on the name in the list with players online and chooses "Info", the IP and the current room the player's in will be displayed. But if one wants to see a full list, he/she has to either enter the room or try to guess where this and that player is. I think that's a lot easier if one can just click in the line with a chosen room (even if game's in progress) and see who's there.
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This thing is for me a status - playing/waiting
I wrote about progress in percent, counted from hedges' health.
Ants in pants ;P
That won't do you any good. So it's not possible to indicate the game process by just calculating the HPs because of the simple fact that they can dramatically drop even in very the first turn. Or it's also possible that very few even none HPs are lost most of the game (if it's some huge wacky map, it takes time to reach the enemy).
HTML = How To Meet the Ladies
Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future.