
As many of you may have noticed, we now have a chip-in donation box on the right panel of the site. I wanted to explain the box to you, tell you what we're doing and why we're doing it.

First off the donations will be used to fund the development of the iPad and iPhone versions of Hedgewars. We need to purchase these devices in order to develop for them. So the money will fund two iPads at the cheapest price we can find.

The iPhone version of Hedgewars is coming along nicely, the game now runs well on the iPhone, we're currently modifying the controls and adding an iPhone specific frontend/features. We will be basing the iPad version on the iPhone version and hope to have the iPad version ready close to the launch of the new device.

As a thank you to anyone who decides to donate, we're going to take (appropriate) hat requests from anyone who donates over $15, these hats will be implemented in 0.9.13.  
On top of this, anyone who donates will get a small bonus trophy when stats/XP are implemented.
Anyone who decides to be extremely generous and donate $50 or more will get their money back if/when the iPad version breaks even on sales.

Koda and Myself will donate up to £400 towards this fund ourselves.

The sales model hasn't been decided for sure yet, but we're most likely to put the game in the appstore for free, then sell a small amount of premium content. I.e. hats/flags/voicepacks. The PC versions will always be free, including all content.

NICE!! Big Grin

This is all very nice, but I still think it would be a better idea to sell it for $2. :P

Not practical IMO Inu, but you're welcome to donate $2...

why dont you just use this? is it possible to develop it without the device?

Much like with the iPhone, it's not possible to test any multi-touch interactions of the software without one.

It's not really plausible to develop an application without the ability to test it and make adjustments. Things like touch modification, performance issues, and so on rely on the application being tested and improved on a real device.

I would like to give a little, but could it be possible to have other way to help you. I mean, can I give some money by another way that paypal? thank you for all Smile there a beta application i can test on my ipod touch?

liljoe, requires jailbreaking and only plays demos at this instant due to whole controls issue being worked on

I honestly think that the marketing plan is perfect. I HATE how the App Store does not allow app trials and therefore not allowing you to try an app legally without buying it. Letting users try the game for free and then charging for in app purchases that they can later buy will most likely attract more profits in the long run. I'm really looking forward to this game on the iPod Touch/iPhone! It'll definitely be better than many effortless apps on the App Store! Big Grin

Is PayPal still available? I've completed the Italian translation but I'd like to contribuite with some few money.

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