"AFK mode"

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FireFly's picture
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So I've started playing Hedgewars with a few friends of mine, and we play quite often, but often one of us needs to leave the keyboard for a while, and I figured it'd be neat with some kind of "away" mode.
It'd be really simple to implement, I'm thinking something like "automatically skip turn" (e.g. see if away mode is active at beginning of turn, if it is just automatically skip the turn as if the user manually used the 'skip turn' action).

Yes, the idea is pretty simple, but I think it would be neat; in the end it's just the same as if I'd manually click the skip turn button, so it shouldn't affect game balance.

~ FireFly

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+1 on that.
Especially right before playing, so you know if the room owner is afk (so you leave) or if you should kick immediately the guy who hasn't lighted his bulb.

doomy's picture
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Yeah,that would be helpful.Maybe like a /afk chat command.

When someone enters a room or someone uses the command it would say something like *doomy is AFK

Radissthor's picture
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Great idea. It would save users a lot of time

I only try not to die when I kill

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Wuzzy's picture
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I support this good idea. Smile

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Koda's picture
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can anyone bring this up in the hedgewars.googlecode.com issues site so that we don´t lose track of it?

Wuzzy's picture
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Issue 716: Away mode (also known as “AFK mode”): Automatic turn skipping while away

I renamed it to “away mode” in the issue.

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No support, as a noob could use it to cheat.

(Account blocked from further forum access due to reoccurring abuse and misbehavior)

Star and Moon
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OpenWorms2Official allegedly wrote:

No support, as a noob could use it to cheat.

Exactly how would they do this?

Also, +1 for original suggestion.

nemo's picture
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Plus one this all the way...
And using this to cheat is unlikely... Your only skipping turns.. You can still die

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Wuzzy's picture
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No support, as a noob could use it to cheat.

Meanwhile, in #hedgewars-underground:

“Hey, I have the ultimate cheat for you!”
“How does it work?”
“You always skip your turn.”
“You always skip your turn.”
“You always skip your turn! Damn it!”
“*sigh* I understood but why should I do this?”
“It will bore your enemies to death.”
“Oh … I understand. You’re a genius! Yeah, it’s … the … ultimate … cheat. Muahaha!”

Wink Smiley

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+ 1!

English is not my first language, so please forgive me any mistakes!

cpucpu's picture
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I also agree. This is very useful, especially if you have to, say, use the washroom or get some snacks during a match.
Maybe a better enhancement would be to make it so the player runs as AI during AFK mode though. Then, it would be less likely for people to take advantage of this, and still give you a fighting chance.

sheepluva's picture
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cpucpu allegedly wrote:

Maybe a better enhancement would be to make it so the player runs as AI during AFK mode though. Then, it would be less likely for people to take advantage of this, and still give you a fighting chance.

Would be too convenient if e.g. need to make a near-perfect bazooka shot to win the game ;D

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