How to downoad and install svn version?

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
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I tried to install and test hedgewars from the svn. So, i tried this :

svn checkout svn:// But then, compilation fails. So, am I wrong in the repository, is there a correct adress to try?

Smaxx's picture
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Remove the trailing "hedgewars". Right now you check out engine sources only (missing other files outside that sub directory).

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And how can I build from these sources. cmake . is enough?

Smaxx's picture
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Use cmake to create makefiles for your prefered toolchain (e.g. gcc or mingw). You're then able to use "make" or "make install" as usual. See the FAQ for more details.

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Thank you for details. I already have tried like this, but download was very long, and compiling didn't work as for the archive, but I suppose I tried this when svn was broken.

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It works fine today Smile .
Just a problem at compilation :

 [ 44%] Building CXX object QTfrontend/CMakeFiles/hedgewars.dir/chatwidget.cpp.o
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/chatwidget.cpp: In member function ‘void HWChatWidget::loadList(QStringList&, const QString&)’:
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/chatwidget.cpp:123: error: ‘class QStringList’ has no member named ‘removeDuplicates’
make[2]: *** [QTfrontend/CMakeFiles/hedgewars.dir/chatwidget.cpp.o] Erreur 1
make[1]: *** [QTfrontend/CMakeFiles/hedgewars.dir/all] Erreur 2
make: *** [all] Erreur 2

Maybe svn broken, or new dependencies? I'll try later.
Thank you again!

nemo's picture
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thuban, removeDuplicates was added in Qt 4.5. Looks like Smaxx broke Qt 4.4 compatibility a month ago when adding chat features.
Either update to 4.5/4.6, or else you will have to write custom code for older Qt.

Most likely the FAQ requirements will have to be updated for the next release.

... update. Smaxx has removed that code, so 4.4 should work again.
Update and give it another shot.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Thanks for explanation. I hope hedgewars will use Qt4.4 a little time, because I can't upgrade to Qt4.5 before the update of debian from squeeze to lenny. So I wouldn't be able to play.
Moreover, hedgewars would have few chances to have a place in stable repositories.
Well, I suppose coders will give their best anyway Smile .
I try again to try last hedgewars version. Smile

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When I want to compile source of hedgewars SVN, I get this:

Thanks(and excuse for my bad english).

nemo's picture
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Phyro, you're missing the lua 5.1 dev packages. Look for 'em in your distro's package manager and install.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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nemo allegedly wrote:

Phyro, you're missing the lua 5.1 dev packages. Look for 'em in your distro's package manager and install.

Mmm i don't know a lot of this, but I have installed Lua 5.1 dev packages. I use Gentoo Linux:

Available versions: 5.1.4 ~5.1.4-r1 ~5.1.4-r2 ~5.1.4-r3 5.1.4-r4 {deprecated emacs readline static}
Installed versions: 5.1.4-r4(15:25:56 13/02/10)(deprecated readline -emacs -static)
Description: A powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications

But doesn't work.

Smaxx's picture
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thuban: update your SVN copy and recompile - should work now.

phyro: Try to find out how the library is named, then call

cmake .

and replace with the real lib name which might differ from system to system.

nemo's picture
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Yeah, when you said "still doesn't work" I assume you mean "I got a completely different linker error from the thing I pastebinned but I didn't bother to tell you" Smile

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Smaxx allegedly wrote:

thuban: update your SVN copy and recompile - should work now.

phyro: Try to find out how the library is named, then call

cmake .

and replace with the real lib name which might differ from system to system.


But, when I try to play the game, still doesn't work. Seems hwengine doesn't work, because the other window of the game doesn't appear.

nemo allegedly wrote:

Yeah, when you said "still doesn't work" I assume you mean "I got a completely different linker error from the thing I pastebinned but I didn't bother to tell you" Smile

I mean that I don't get any difference :P , even when I recompiled lua package(with "emerge --oneshot lua").

Big Grin .

nemo's picture
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That's clearly not true. The errors must have been completely different since the first set was missing headers and you must then have gotten a linker error for the recommendation of smaxx to have worked (which it did showing the problem had changed).

But anyway. Moving on...

If you run hwengine on its own, does it work?
Try: ./hwengine /path/to/hedgewars/Data koda.30.hwd

Also. What graphics card are you using, and what driver? Do other opengl things work, like glxgears?

Also, try turning off sound and music in frontend preferences and retesting.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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nemo allegedly wrote:

That's clearly not true. The errors must have been completely different since the first set was missing headers and you must then have gotten a linker error for the recommendation of smaxx to have worked (which it did showing the problem had changed).

Ok, thanks for that.

nemo allegedly wrote:
But anyway. Moving on...

If you run hwengine on its own, does it work?
Try: ./hwengine /path/to/hedgewars/Data koda.30.hwd

Also. What graphics card are you using, and what driver? Do other opengl things work, like glxgears?

Also, try turning off sound and music in frontend preferences and retesting.

When I try to run that file, I get this:

./hwengine /home/phyro/koda.30.hwd
An unhandled exception occurred at $0000000000469FDB :
EInOutError : File not open

Graphic Card: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 10)

Glxgears and Hedgewars 0.9.12 works great.

About driver, I don't know exactly how to find that, but in glxinfo appear:


OpenGL vendor string: Tungsten Graphics, Inc
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) G33 GEM 20090712 2009Q2 RC3
OpenGL version string: 1.4 Mesa 7.5.2

And in xorg.conf:

Driver "intel"

I turn off sound and music, and doesn't work.

Thanks for all, and excuse my bad english Big Grin .

szczur's picture
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phyro allegedly wrote:
When I try to run that file, I get this:

./hwengine /home/phyro/koda.30.hwd
An unhandled exception occurred at $0000000000469FDB :
EInOutError : File not open

Syntax should be:

/path/to/hwengine /PATH/TO/HEDGEWARS/DATA /home/phyro/koda.30.hwd

For example on my PC it looks like this:

/home/szczur/games/hwtrunk/bin/hwengine /home/szczur/games/hwtrunk/hedgewars/Data /home/szczur/Syf/koda.30.hwd

Press any key to continue, or any other key to cancel.

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Magik_18l allegedly wrote:

phyro allegedly wrote:
When I try to run that file, I get this:

./hwengine /home/phyro/koda.30.hwd
An unhandled exception occurred at $0000000000469FDB :
EInOutError : File not open

Syntax should be:

/path/to/hwengine /PATH/TO/HEDGEWARS/DATA /home/phyro/koda.30.hwd

For example on my PC it looks like this:

/home/szczur/games/hwtrunk/bin/hwengine /home/szczur/games/hwtrunk/hedgewars/Data /home/szczur/Syf/koda.30.hwd

Thanks. I get this:

/home/phyro/Juegos/hedgewars/trunk/bin/hwengine /home/phyro/Juegos/hedgewars/trunk/share/hedgewars/Data /home/phyro/koda.30.hwd
Hedgewars engine (network protocol: 30)
Init SDL... ok
Init SDL_ttf... ok
Init SDL_image... ok
Loading /home/phyro/Juegos/hedgewars/trunk/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/hwengine [flags: 8]... (32,32)
Loading progress sprite: Loading /home/phyro/Juegos/hedgewars/trunk/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Progress [flags: 6]... (324,972)
Number of game controllers: 0
Not using any game controller
Getting game config...
Invalid ammo scheme (incompatible frontend)

Appear "loading picture" of the hedgehog, and disappear(in one second).

Thanks again :P !

szczur's picture
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Delete the weapons.ini file from ~/.hedgewars folder (remember about backing it up if you created some new weaponsets)

Press any key to continue, or any other key to cancel.

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Magik_18l allegedly wrote:

Delete the weapons.ini file from ~/.hedgewars folder (remember about backing it up if you created some new weaponsets)

I rename "/home/phyro/.hedgewars/weapons.ini" to "/home/phyro/.hedgewars/weapons.ini.backup", but I get the same error:

/home/phyro/Juegos/hedgewars/trunk/bin/./hwengine /home/phyro/Juegos/hedgewars/trunk/share/hedgewars/Data /home/phyro/koda.30.hwd
Hedgewars engine (network protocol: 30)
Init SDL... ok
Init SDL_ttf... ok
Init SDL_image... ok
Loading /home/phyro/Juegos/hedgewars/trunk/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/hwengine [flags: 8]... (32,32)
Loading progress sprite: Loading /home/phyro/Juegos/hedgewars/trunk/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Progress [flags: 6]... (324,972)
Number of game controllers: 0
Not using any game controller
Getting game config...
Invalid ammo scheme (incompatible frontend)

The hedgewars SVN files are in /home/phyro/Juegos/hedgewars/trunk/

szczur's picture
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Previous demo is outdated. Try this newly created

Press any key to continue, or any other key to cancel.

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Magik_18l allegedly wrote:

Previous demo is outdated. Try this newly created

Now works!(and Hedgewars 0.9.13 seems fantastic, great job!).

I get this in a terminal:

But in the game, still doesn't work :'( . But, if you're busy, I can wait to the final version of Hedgewars 0.9.13 Wink Smiley .
Thanks a lot!

Palewolf's picture
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I see you're launching the game from a non-standard location, it's likely you're running into path problems.

Rerun cmake like this:
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/home/phyro/Juegos/hedgewars/trunk/" -DDATA_INSTALL_DIR="/home/phyro/Juegos/hedgewars/trunk/share/" .

(the lua part might not be needed with latest HEAD)

User offline. Last seen 14 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
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I've tried again to compile svn, but I hae this error :

$ make
[  1%] Building CXX object QTfrontend/CMakeFiles/hedgewars.dir/hwconsts.cpp.o
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:24: error: missing terminating " character
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:26: error: stray ‘\303’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:26: error: stray ‘\251’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:26: error: stray ‘\303’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:26: error: stray ‘\264’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:27: error: stray ‘\303’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:27: error: stray ‘\251’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:27: error: stray ‘\303’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:27: error: stray ‘\264’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:27:19: error: invalid suffix "beacd1" on integer constant
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:28: error: stray ‘\303’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:28: error: stray ‘\251’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:29: error: stray ‘\305’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:29: error: stray ‘\223’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:29: error: stray ‘\303’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:29: error: stray ‘\251’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:30: error: stray ‘\303’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:30: error: stray ‘\242’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:30: error: stray ‘\303’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:30: error: stray ‘\251’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:31: error: stray ‘\303’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:31: error: stray ‘\250’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:32: error: stray ‘\303’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:32: error: stray ‘\251’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:32: error: stray ‘\303’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:32: error: stray ‘\250’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:33: error: stray ‘\303’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:33: error: stray ‘\250’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:33: error: missing terminating " character
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:25: error: ‘URL’ was not declared in this scope
make[2]: *** [QTfrontend/CMakeFiles/hedgewars.dir/hwconsts.cpp.o] Erreur 1
make[1]: *** [QTfrontend/CMakeFiles/hedgewars.dir/all] Erreur 2
make: *** [all] Erreur 2

Is it a Qt problem?

Smaxx's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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Run "make clean" and verify all SVN files are unchanged. There's something wrong with your hwconsts.cpp file.

User offline. Last seen 14 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
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Thank you, but I still have a problem :

 [ 59%] Building CXX object QTfrontend/CMakeFiles/hedgewars.dir/hwconsts.cpp.o
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:24: error: missing terminating " character
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:26: error: stray ‘\303’ in program
/home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp:26: error: stray ‘\251’ in program

I'm sorry for disturbance...

User offline. Last seen 12 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
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Palewolf allegedly wrote:

I see you're launching the game from a non-standard location, it's likely you're running into path problems.

Rerun cmake like this:
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/home/phyro/Juegos/hedgewars/trunk/" -DDATA_INSTALL_DIR="/home/phyro/Juegos/hedgewars/trunk/share/" .

(the lua part might not be needed with latest HEAD)

THAAAAANKS!. Now Hedgewars 0.9.13-dev works fine Big Grin . Thanks a lot!.

Smaxx's picture
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What's in line 24 of /QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp?

User offline. Last seen 14 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
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Here is line 24 :

QString * cVersionString = new QString("0.9.13.Chemin : /home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk

Smaxx's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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Okay, your SVN somehow returns more than just the revision number ... trying to fix that.

Update your SVN copy and run cmake again. See if that helps. In any case, please post line 24 again.

User offline. Last seen 14 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
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I updated the svn, compiling works great now, but not the last step :

[ 99%] Generating ../bin/hwengine
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.4.0-2 [2010/02/20] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2009 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for x86-64
Compiling /home/xavier/Hedgewars_custom/trunk/hedgewars/hwengine.pas


Linking ../bin/hwengine
/usr/bin/ld:../bin/link.res: file format not recognized; treating as linker script
/usr/bin/ld:../bin/link.res:158: syntax error
hwengine.pas(590,1) Error: Error while linking
hwengine.pas(590,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: /usr/bin/ppcx64 returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specify a source file to be compiled)


But I have lua installed :
ls /usr/lib/liblua*
/usr/lib/liblua5.1.a   /usr/lib/
/usr/lib/  /usr/lib/

ANTONY's picture
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it is not a comment please tell about the following! ! I:\hedgewars-src-0.9.12.tar.bz2: Cannot open I:\hedgewars-src-0.9.12.tar.bz2

ANTONY's picture
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i was downloaded a hedgewars ziped folder. is "hedgewars-src-0.9.12.tar" it ws extracted but not be installed. Why it is happened.
tell me fastly please........................................
its my request. I liked to play this game

Smaxx's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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What operating system are you running on?

You should open your own thread - noone is shot for creating threads when in trouble. Smile

The tar-file is something like an archive containing all files. It's common unix/linux practice to first pack all files into one archive (.tar) and then zipping up that file (.tar.bz2).

If your system got some kind of package manager, look there for a precompiled version of Hedgewars. If you're running Windows or MacOS you'll find precompiled downloads/installers on the download page (see links above).

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no one know what can I do with tis lua or ld problem?

Smaxx's picture
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Oh didn't notice your posting above - that's very odd.

Could you open "/hedgewars/" and post the line with "cLuaLibrary=..."?

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Of course Smile

cLuaLibrary = ' /usr/lib/';

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remove /CMakeCache.txt and run cmake again

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YEEES! Thanks a lot! it works fine now! I don't know how you found where the problem was, but you were true! Wink Smiley

Smaxx's picture
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It was just outdated and didn't update properly due to being set wrong before (when it was bugged).

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