How can I delete a team?

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Bobo III
Bobo III's picture
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I am sorry, perhaps I have a very unusual question. It’s very easy to create a new team and edit one in the setup. Is it also possible to delete one? To test a little bit, I have created several teams and now I want leave only one, but I don’t know how; I tried everything!!! I reached to delete the name, but the team still remains in the list - without a name.

I would be nice if you could help my.

Bye, Bobo III

Smaxx's picture
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The frontend isn't able to do so right now. But you can just delete the files on your hard disk. You should be able to find them within "%HOME%/.hedgewars" ("%USERPROFILE%\.hedgewars" on windows). One file per team named "team name.cfg".

bananaoomarang's picture
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Yes I hope this is possible through the frontend soon. It isn't good for newbies.

EDIT: it's in trunk w000t

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