Laser sight barely visible

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User offline. Last seen 4 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
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The lasersight is a line too thin that i cant see it. Anyone else has experienced this issue?
How can i fix it?


rbaleksandar's picture
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I'm sure you can edit it in the source code (if you can find where this parameter is Big Grin). You can also zoom in to improve visibility. Other than that - buy glasses. Wink Smiley

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-jay-'s picture
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rbaleksandar allegedly wrote:

You can also zoom in to improve visibility.

Well, that won't make the laser line wider though.

Lobão, the laser is clearly visible to me (and I need glasses tbh), can you please provide a screenshot of laser sight in your hedgewars?
That way we can see if it's an issue with your gfx card or not.

Smaxx's picture
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Game's resolution might be useful as well.

nemo's picture
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Game screenshot might not clarify things if, say, it is an incredibly bad monitor. Granted, the contrast would have to be truly horrible for laser not to be visible. I'd have to wonder whether they could even play, say, the castle or bath themes.

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-jay-'s picture
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nemo allegedly wrote:

Game screenshot might not clarify things

Yes, I just wanted to know whether the problem is a bug within hedgewars or a problem outside it (gfx card gamme/etc settings, monitor, eyesight, etc.)

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