Display which turn is it now

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rbaleksandar's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Smile

Yet another suggestion:

Next to the timer put a counter that displays the turns that are already played. It will allow the players to see for example how many turns are left before Sudden Death (the game is set for 15 turns until SD and you're playing the 7th turn; do a little math and you'll know that after 8 turns SD starts).

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szczur's picture
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Seconded. It would be very helpful especially in a long epic wars between hogs Smile

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User offline. Last seen 22 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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Nice idea.
But what if the counter is displayed just 3 rounds (or smth.) before SD begins?

When I read your suggestion something like it from Bubble Bobble came to my mind: the "hurry" message, which comes floating in if one takes too long for a level to complete.

I could imagine this very well for hedgewars, too:
The hurry message comes flying in (accompanied by some scary sound) and the SD counter (counting rounds or turns down) pops up in the lower right corner or smth.
This would also direct focus to the new display element.

The same counter could also be used as a water level rise countdown i.e. by turning blue and displaying rounds til water level rise.

rbaleksandar's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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Ah, the message is a good idea. Instead of adding a counter, a message will be displayed for example 3 turns before SD.

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-jay-'s picture
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I agree with rbaleksander.
The general turn-count and turns-till-SD-count could be displayed on the escape screen IMO, so people can still get the info without the need of cluttering the game interface any further.

MirceaKitsune's picture
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Yeah, +1 for this. I'd like to see a discrete turn counter, maybe near where the teams are displayed. But something small and discrete imo. Or if something other than a HUD item, they could be mentioned with the game messages that appear at the top of the screen each turn.

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