Suggestion: Team Names Drop Off Screen Bottom
Wed, 2010-04-07 18:15
Basically, when all of a certain teams hogs are gone, the team name in question drops off the bottom of the screen instaed of sticking around making me look to see if a hog mystriously became a zombie...
"If you want to play a game that's exactly the same as worms. Play worms." - Tiyuri
Well, I like having the team names there so I know how many teams were in the game and what proportion have been eliminated.
It might be nice if they were graphically "deadened" in some way - perhaps entirely remove the team health bar and darken the colouring of the team name and flag.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
I'd say the team health bar needs to go when the team is all killed off. Just last night I spent a few minutes looking around for a hog on an opposing team, only to figure out there were none. I could still see a smidgeon of health on the bar so I thought I may have missed one somehow....LOL
"If you want to play a game that's exactly the same as worms. Play worms." - Tiyuri