New theme "brick"

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My first theme.
It`s not the final release, one person wants to make a soundtrack for this theme and of course I`ll try to make theme better and fix any mistake.
And of course any object/picture from the theme could be used by anyone.

Smaxx's picture
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Next time add a preview screenshot - won't drive people away but get them to try it. Smile

Overall, looks quite nice - I'd add it immediately. Wink Smiley

The top/bottom land borders could need some work and you could as well try to add some more colors to LandBackTex. But overall ... very nice for a first theme.

Also water colors might need some work (or is it intended to be that way (bright top, dark bottom without real gradient)?

Edit: The bricks in LandTex could be a little bit bigger as well.

Uriah's picture
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Hi there,

Nice work, there are some design and technical issues present in this theme that need a little work. If you'd like to jump on IRC at some point, we can do a bit of work together and get this added officially to the game if you like.

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Next time add a preview screenshot

The top/bottom land borders could need some workThe top/bottom land borders could need some work

I`ll see what is possible to do. I tried to make some kind of concrete or mortar.
and you could as well try to add some more colors to LandBackTex. But overall ... very nice for a first theme.

I`ll randomize some bricks.
there are some design and technical issues present in this theme that need a little work

Well, russians says "glaz zamylilsya" ("an eye is blured with a soap"), that means, that those person, who makes smth. could not see all issues right after work. And those, who see this work first time (or who do not work with it for a long time) are able to notice more issues and problems `couse of "svezhyi vzglyad" ("fresh sight").
If you'd like to jump on IRC at some point

Ok, I`ll add an IRC-channel to my pidgin.

maqui's picture
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Awesome Love Eyes! Why not make the bricks a bit more orange?

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maqui allegedly wrote:

Awesome Love Eyes! Why not make the bricks a bit more orange?

You are not the only person, who says that )
So, I`ll make the bricks orange…
But I`ve seen enough pink bricks in Russia — I think this depends on technology of brick making and the age of bricks. And of course I`ve seen enough orange bricks too.

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Depends on the raw materials used and their color. Wink Smiley

Top/bottom borders: Those holes or bubbles just look a little bit odd partially.

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Link has been updated.
One new object, sprays, some fixes, orange bricks.
Still not final.

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You may want to use reinforcing steel instead of nails.

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maqui allegedly wrote:

You may want to use reinforcing steel instead of nails.

Good idea!

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I actually prefer the pink bricks.

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claymore allegedly wrote:

I actually prefer the pink bricks.

Or at least something in between, current ones are so red that make land objects look washed away.

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Colours updated, one more vertical object added (rusty reinforcing steel).
I think some object can be removed in the future (or not).

Simon Brown
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This is good!

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I'm looking at it shot by shot, and it's getting better and better.
The 'new' orange is so much more soft on the eyes, and that's good.
I'd maybe replace the girder, too... but other than that, great work!

maqui's picture
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Well, it's not a biggie, but as they are now the bricks look almost plain orange Annoyed What if make a few of them kind of brownish?

Like these :

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maqui allegedly wrote:

Well, it's not a biggie, but as they are now the bricks look almost plain orange Annoyed What if make a few of them kind of brownish?

There are a lot of types of bricks in the world. And they have different colours: pink, orange, red, brown, yellow, white, grey. And I should choose only one of the colours.

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Well, ok then Wink Smiley

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+10 points if you draw an Hedgehog graffiti Wink Smiley

EDIT: Meh, or maybe not, it doesnt really fit with the construction theme

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It's enough for the City theme to have graffiti.

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Huge improvement imo. Big Grin

How about using that iron bar for girders as well? Might look better than that "micro structure". Wink Smiley

Sky could be a little bit brighter - maybe some red/yellow in addition at the bottom? (sunset?)

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Smaxx allegedly wrote:

Huge improvement imo. Big Grin

How about using that iron bar for girders as well? Might look better than that "micro structure". Wink Smiley

Sky could be a little bit brighter - maybe some red/yellow in addition at the bottom? (sunset?)

«Iron bar» == Girder.png?
And «Girder» == «any vertical object»?

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Last screenshot is beautiful!

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Something like this:

FireFox's picture
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Good work on the color improvements to the bricks, but their old shapes were far superior. The new design is quite bland, it isnt very pleasing to look at something so repetitive.

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Yeah, the new bricks are a bit too regular. But I like where this is going.

Smaxx's idea for the girders is pretty good too.

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I find that it's going pretty well, my only "complaint" is that the background is too boring.

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FireFox allegedly wrote:

Good work on the color improvements to the bricks, but their old shapes were far superior. The new design is quite bland, it isnt very pleasing to look at something so repetitive.

Well, may be I`ll do two variants — with two different land textures… I prefer old one too.

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just take the shape of the old and the colors of the new ones, then everything`s fine!

please add your xfire accountname here:

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Updated. Some AA issues solved, minor LandTex, Spray and Object changes. Sky colors changed.

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if possible, make the sky's blue area bigger (let the second color start just right above the buildings) and try to use more orange than yellow - otherwise, fine. The "spray hogs" (and other sprays) don't look that great imo.

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i like what you have from post 33. agree about bringing the blue sky down the screen a bit but this looks like an awesome theme!

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I like it, although the "latest" bricks seem a bit too regular (in size, shape and position) to me, I liked the style of non-perfect bricks Smile

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Agreed on brick shape. My links to pictures was just arguing for variation in brick shading as possibly looking good, not saying it had to look like those bricks in shape. Smile

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Couple of FYIs from HEAD.

The splash graphic needs to be 1024px in size - compare to other themes in HEAD.
This impacts Art and Stage themes as well.

Another thing that we're trying out that will probably become standard. All background graphics in HEAD are scaled up 2:1 - this saves vid mem, and most backgrounds are fuzzy anyway. Also ensures rendering on cards limited to 1024 texture limit. This does mean sharp, thin, angled lines may look pixelated. For those you might want to add just a hint of blur.

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i really love this Theme mor than all the others! Great Job!
Can you just put missing bricks instead of the grey hogs on landtex?

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Star and Moon
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My suggestion:
How about reddish brown bricks,
I noticed that some of the bricks are off color. While I was driving through town a few days ago, I noticed that newer building have bricks of all the same color, where as the older buildings have some off color bricks. I think the should all be the same color, also I do NOT like the graffiti hogs.

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Great map so far,
should do the girders as Scaffold Boards
Hope this helps

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Any chance of someone reuploading this with the original (superior) landtex?

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I like the theme, but yeah, a bit more irregular bricks would be nice Smile
(also cranes in the background have perspective errors)

Nice theme any way Smile

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sheepluva allegedly wrote:

I like the theme, but yeah, a bit more irregular bricks would be nice Smile
(also cranes in the background have perspective errors)

Nice theme any way Smile

the original irregular bricks are much more cartooney

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claymore allegedly wrote:

Any chance of someone reuploading this with the original (superior) landtex?

Pale Orange irregular bricks, +svg sources. Also there r pink irregular bricks, but no sprays for them.

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Cool, thanks... but your link doesn't work for me. :/

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claymore allegedly wrote:

Cool, thanks... but your link doesn't work for me. :/

May be server was off, it`s not 24/7, sorry. Can host the theme at any suitable site.

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Um, so can you upload it somewhere else? Please? Smile Mediafire, dropbox...

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