Team-specific weapon sets

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sabin's picture
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I'd like to make a suggestion, hoping it will help Smile

Simply said, that we can assign a set of weapons to a precise team, overriding the weaponry settings for the map we'll play.

Maybe you'd want an explanation for the reason I'm suggesting this ?
In one line : as a compensation to the computer's supernatural aiming talent Big Grin
When I was playing hedgewars 0.9.12, the CPU-handled teams only used basical weapons. So, when I was playing alone, I would use a modified list of allowed weapons, using a few kickass weapons for my sake while the computer stuck to the basical weapons. My poor aiming skills with good weaponry VS the computer aiming right on target with every shot, it was balanced.
But now with 0.9.12 the CPU-handled teams use all the available weapons. And they still aim as well as ever, I'm being nuked, destroyed, overkilled, every time I play a solo game Sleepy Smiley

So it would be VERY nice, if sets of weapons could be assigned to precise teams Big Grin

Well, at least thanks for reading me, and I hope it could be applied in the future Smile


nemo's picture
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Personally I find you can exploit AI's poor strategic thinking. Place one of your hogs on another of his hogs, drown him when he is near ledges, hide under stuff and so on.

Result is that a bazooka-only battle can still be won against AI, even when outnumbered.

But, anyway, a few things to make life easier pending more customisation of weapons (there might even be per-hog weapons soon, who knows)...

1) Use a simpler AI - level 5 vs level 1
2) Give yourself a lot more hogs
3) The following are still not used by the AI. Bee, Jackhammer, Rope, Mine, Dynamite, Parachute, Mine Strike, Blow Torch, Girder, Teleport, Switch Hedgehog, Kamikaze, Cake, Seduction, Hellish Hand Grenade, Napalm, Drill, Ballgun, RC Plane, Low Gravity, Extra Damage, Invulnerability, Laser Sight, Vampirism, Sniper Rifle, Flying Saucer, Birdy

That might change in the future, but that should still offer plenty of ways to abuse AI limitations.

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sabin's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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Hello Nemo,

Well, more precisely, it's about the Watermelon Bomb : the bots use it perfectly, and it's a hellish problem :p

(I hope I have the proper name, I play the game in French, and in French it's called the "Bombe Pastèque")

It's impossible to have bots joint a party in which there is a number of allocated watermelon bombs, they become too strong with their perfect aiming skills.

Otherwise, it's true that the bots are weakened by their limited intelligence. But then, in this regard, it would be indeed interesting to have team-specific weapon sets...

nemo's picture
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I use french translation as default too Smile

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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