[Map] Robot Wars
---Map details---
Name: Robot Wars
Size: Large [4096 x 2048]
Theme: Nature
Preview: http://i41.tinypic.com/2pqrm3d.jpg
Robot Wars is my first map after rejoining this community. Map is designed for large team games of 3+ teams with 4 or more Hogs each. Well suited for low gravity, or long range bazooka shots.
Maximum Hogs: 32
Download: http://www.zshare.net/download/748939352d690fec/
(To install simply extract the above .zip file to .\Hedgewars 0.9.13\share\hedgewars\Data\Maps\ then play. It will be listed with all normal maps in the game lobby.)
Please try out this map and let me know what you think of it.
Mission created!
Made a basic mission for this map. "Cyborgs, Attack!"
You're 1 hog vs. 3 level 1 CPU, they have 45 HP and you have 250.
Weapons include bazooka, grenade, mine, rope and more.
Download: http://www.zshare.net/download/7491356565f18bea/
To play this make sure you have the above map, "RobotWars" installed, and then extract this .lua file to the directory: .\Hedgewars 0.9.13\share\hedgewars\Data\Missions\Training\
Then select it where other training missions are normally found.
Updated with a mission to play this map with.
[Note to dev's: Can you possible make the CPU stupider at lower level? Apart from a lack of any land detection, they can still land a bazooka perfectly onto a hedgehog's head for 46 damage.]
Hey! Awesome map there, How about adding mask? Like masking out the fire, I made an image that has everything that I think should be masked out

It wouldn't make sense if hogs can stand on the fire
Bump. One of the better maps probably, which has been overlooked.