[Theme] Stage
Sun, 2010-04-25 13:10
Hey folks!
I've created a new theme for Hedgewars. It's not the final version yet but i hope to get some feedback and ideas from you
The name of the theme is "stage". You play in front of a colorful lighted stage and have to jump over guitars, microphones and music boxes. Here are some screenshots:
I'm going to add some more objects and I'm gonna do several improvements...
Do you like it?
very nice so far
edit: btw, it seems like the strings on the bass guitar are partly hidden by that black outline of that other part I don't know the name of :P
I like it!
I know what you mean, I'll fix it.
Thank you too
I think it looks just great, my only comment is maybe make the whole level less-blackish.
Apart from that, wonderful.
The water could be a different color, other than that, It's awesome!
Yes, I had the same thoughts but I think the lights looks better this way
Which color do you think?
Does anyone hace a cool idea for the girder?
I'd say grey...
How about drumsticks for the girder.
How about some kind of worn and strapped cable for girders?
Landscape could need some work (making it more random/nonlinear). How about tinting it dark blue or purple?
How many background layers? I'd add one row of spotlights as well as the background drums/guitars to sky and another row of spotlights to horizon (if you didn't do that already).
Are the notes falling from top to bottom or floating upwards?
Okay, I'll try, thanks
I'll try :P
Very nice, will do it.
I just have "Sky.png" and "Horizont.png". How do I make more layers?
They're falling down. But how can I make them floating upwards?
By the way: I uploaded the theme. Here you can download it: http://www.rofra-games.de/HW/stage.rar
Very nice!
A little sad on the color side tho.
What about a fretboard as girder?
too bad the flakes aren't panties...You sir, are offically awesome.
Great theme, I'd like to include it in the official release, if you are happy to polisj a few things? It'd be great with some funky rock music backing it. If you join us on IRC we can have a chat and get it included.
Theme is very good, glad it made the next release.
I changed some things, you can download the new version right here: http://www.rofra-games.de/HW/stage2.rar
-new water
-new object: bass drum
-girder changed into a fretboard
-new LandTex.png
I think that was all. Maybe I forgot something. But I think you'll find it out on your own
Yes, I am happy to polish 

When can I meet you on IRC? And how about the music? Who makes it? Am I allowed to do it on my own?
RoFra, see the "Live Chat" link at top for IRC access (includes URI)
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Thanks but I wanted to know "when" and not "where" :P
The landtex is still a bit too dull and uniform. Not too keen on the fretboard either. And the theme still needs a preview image.
Also, try experimenting with brighter and more colorful water - lilac perhaps? - to reflect the fact that the lights are shining on it.
Otherwise, it's great. The bass drum is excellent (like the other terrain objects).
Oops. Misread the "When"
Well. Just hang out?
I notice Tiy tends to be active between 9 or 10 UTC to 21 or 22 UTC, and he usually notices if you just say Tiy.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
i tried for some days, and he noticed nothing, so be patient
please add your xfire accountname here:
Okay, I made a complete new landtex. And I changed the water. How does it look right now?

Btw, There is a new (and it's the last) object: the horn.
I don't know about you guys, but I think that now it's perfect!
But the French horn or whatever doesn't fit in.
Horn looks nice but as mentioned, doesn't fit the theme (keep it for a music theme?). How about some drums, hihats, drumsticks, etc.?
Landscape is a lot better now but I'd still try to add some tint (purple/blue?) so there's at least some color difference to the guitar.
I like the grey-black style alongside the lights and the pinkish water, I think adding more colors to the objects will kinda ruin~
That was exactly what i thought!
Everything else is PERFECT now!
please add your xfire accountname here:
How about rock music in the background?
Yes, someone is working on the music
this is awesome!
Again, really good job on the new theme.
I still find the land texture in the main post way better than the one further down, tho you can probably "distort it a little bit" to try and make it look more cartoon-ish.
Couple of FYIs from HEAD.
The splash graphic needs to be 1024px in size - compare to other themes in HEAD.
This impacts Art and Brick themes as well.
Another thing that we're trying out that will probably become standard. All background graphics in HEAD are scaled up 2:1 - this saves vid mem, and most backgrounds are fuzzy anyway. Also ensures rendering on cards limited to 1024 texture limit. This does mean sharp, thin, angled lines may look pixelated. For those you might want to add just a hint of blur.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Can you post up a link of the new version? like the one in this video:
My PC crashed a few days ago so i can't send you the theme. You may ask Tiyuri or wait for the next release
very good theme. High quality. This is the beauty of open source. community contribution, now in the next release.
Pit has finaly returned. FINALY.
Nice theme!
I suggest making another object that is the spotlight, but backwards, so it goes either way.
Loved this one.
The Jimi Hogtrix poster: fantastic!
An other water color? Maybe... purple... Deep Purple water (
For background music, maybe a more Classic Rock style would fit it even better, jus an opinion
Edit: Nevermind, i just try it in the Dev. Game, oh man! It's amazing! The music, it's just perfect! Well, the whole Theme.
One of the best, (if not THE best) ever!
RoFra Rocks!
Thanks, nice to hear that
Hi Folks,
I just found a little graphic bug in the horizont.png:

I've fixed that bug, please download the new horizont.png right here: http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/4384/horizont.png
Please don't forget to change it in the new release
Hey, thanks. That had always bugged me. Just not enough to fix it.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev