Non-starting game bug report

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sabin's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 4


In case this is found interesting, I'm here to report a bug with Hedgewars.

I have a Dell desktop computer running Windows Vista Home Edition in French, with up to date microsoft components, with Avast antivirus and Comodo firewall. Hardware side, it's an in-built cheapstake graphical chipset inside my motherboard.

And Hedgewars, versions 0.9.12 and 0.9.13 have NEVER been able to start. I double click the game's icon, the process starts, hedgewars is visible in the tasks manager...

But nothing appears about it on my screen. The "real" game doesn't load.

I can wait hours and hours, nothing more will happen, and the hedgewars process, in the tasks manager, won't close either.

If you devs find this bug report interesting, and if it can help you with me making tests, reading logs or whatever, feel free to ask Smile

(and don't waste your time with "how to fix that, maybe" replies, actually the time I would have spent on Hedgewars would have been taken off my working time Wink Smiley )

Smaxx's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2009-04-29
Posts: 391

Disable your firewall or grant full access to all networks on all ports both incoming/outgoing for the following binaries found within your hedgewars installation folder:


Note: Disabling your firewall isn't a permanent solution and should be done for testing only. You could as well try uninstalling the Comodo Firewall and using the one built into Windows Vista (i.e. Windows Firewall).

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