[Theme] Art
Thu, 2010-04-29 12:17
Hey everyone!
I am currently working on a theme based on famous artworks and would absolutely appreciate feedback.
As map objects we have Mona Lisa, The Scream, Campbell's Tomato Soup and The Persistence of Memory. The background was inspired by Van Gogh's Starry Night
Oh and I have also found a nice track under creative commons license.
Bird is the word.
Great idea!
I like your drawing, the background is great and Starry Night fits perfectly. I think the land texture could use some work though. If you'd like to jump on IRC and chat with me, maybe we can polish this theme off a bit and include it in the game
Absolutely brilliant!
Sure, I'll revise the land texture and contact you in the next days.
Has anyone ideas concerning the girders? I'm not quite satisfied with them yet.
Bird is the word.
Love it. Only thing I'm not sure about is the soup. Just doesn't fit in with the other paintings imo.
That makes 3 great new themes for .14 already!
would be better if the cans could be a little at an angle, not so straight upwards, maybe you could use paintbrushes as girders...
please add your xfire accountname here:
I'm not really an artist myself but not long ago I made some Hedgewars art with Watercolors. Not that that really has anything to do with this theme. Miphica is really good at art. I think this theme is cool, glad it's making Hedgewars 0.9.14!
Nice idea indeed!
Do you think you could make the Landscape in Hundertwasser-Style?
(google for more)
or maybe like that dude that draws sorta connected people (forgot his name :/ )... you could do that with hogs in someway maybe x)
Hundertwasser style is a great idea, thanks. I'll definitely give it a try.
And I'll also play around with the soup some more
Bird is the word.
Yoink. Haven't done any major changes yet cause I've been kind of busy recently. But don't worry - I'm still at it! I'll definitely update this next week.
Bird is the word.
I had a suggestion, Make paintbrush flakes!
I know you can do it.
Please update soon! Was looking forward to playing this one.
Shame on me, I didn't keep my promise!
I have actually been working on it some more - I just couldn't crank out a convincing landtex yet. But I really appreciate your interest! I'll try to more or less finish the theme this week, because next week I'm on vacation.
Bird is the word.
This is great.
I know you planned to work on this some more, but even with the original landtex this theme is great. Please post something, in any form.
I'm really sorry, I have been on vacation and partying a lot lately. I've uploaded the theme as it is right now: http://netload.in/datei7OC8q2H40x/Art.rar.htm
See it as some kind of beta version... I will continue working on the theme and eventually post an update here. Until then, have fun with this version.
Bird is the word.
Still not entirely sure about the track you picked for it though. Although Tiy has checked it in I believe...
I checked out the theme, theres one problem with it. The soils to dark
and it's hard to see it against the dark background. Also, I like the music a lot.
Couple of FYIs from HEAD.
The splash graphic needs to be 1024px in size - compare to other themes in HEAD.
This impacts Brick and Stage themes as well.
Another thing that we're trying out that will probably become standard. All background graphics in HEAD are scaled up 2:1 - this saves vid mem, and most backgrounds are fuzzy anyway. Also ensures rendering on cards limited to 1024 texture limit. This does mean sharp, thin, angled lines may look pixelated. For those you might want to add just a hint of blur.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev