[Theme] Golf
Sun, 2010-05-09 13:48
Hey there!
Here's my second theme: Golf. There is no background at the moment but I will create it within the next few days.
You are on the green and you can explore things like balls, tees, caddies, flags or holes. Here are some screenshots:
Any ideas, suggestions, meanings, death threats, etc?
Cool theme so far, I'd like to see when it's done!
Great map objects and girder! Very promising indeed. The landtex looks a little plain though. Anyway, keep up the good work!
Bird is the word.
I like it.
Lines seemed a bit thin on the bridge, out of place.
The golf cup I think it'd be fun if it was big enough to knock a hedgie in, could be entertaining.
Also cup outline seems thin, think it should have a rounded bottom, and look thicker and more cartoon-y, maybe a lip too (graphic and embedded in the mound, not an actual lip).
The terrain, yeah, more texture could be nice, and maybe a sand trap graphic spray on it, or a sand trap object. Maybe a gopher like in that movie, again as either a graphic spray or object.
Terrain could use a bit more edging too.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Thanks for all your feedback so far!
There's a new landtexture! What do you think?

Say, what do you think about making the windshield go only half-way up on the golf cart?
Some carts have overhanging roofs w/ open fronts, so it wouldn't be totally weird, and it would allow climbing in and out.
Like this one which folds down. Although of course the bar would have to go.
No bar.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Hm, in my opinion the half-way windshield looks better but just with bars. It looks crappy without the bars I think. Therefore I like objects that don't make it easy for the player to climb in and out
By the way, a new screenshot:

Does look nice. Well, at least it is easier to shoot out of than the tire is on the Freeway theme.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Maybe a little bit overboard on the divots but
The trees need some proper shadows but despite that, great
How about some bushes or trees as land objects?
Land texture looks odd to me because of the mixed perspective (its like one's looking at it from top and front at the same time... very Picasso-like
) and yeah, tree shadow is weird... but other than that, looking great!
Huh, you mean the sand traps and such?
To me that looked like they were going down the slope of the hill.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
I like it like it is, doesnt has to be logic.
please add your xfire accountname here:
Looks great- good work!
Can you post a download link?
Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!
Download link please?
My favorite sport: nerd sniping.
Great work RoFra, I am impressed!
I too would like a download link once you're happy to release it to us all.
Any chance of having this finalised and included in 0.9.14 upon release?
I don't have it anymore.. Maybe I'll redo it when I'm in a good mood..
O.O */dramatic mode on*
No, really, I found this theme to be really cool and hope it can be remade and added to Hedgewars someday.
It was truly a shame it was only on your computer and somehow you lost the only copy.
Great job, I'm impressed, wondering if it will be an official map in the upcoming release of hw.
No, he lost it
please add your xfire accountname here:
well, that's a pity
No worries, mikade found it somehow (and it's in .16 dev)!!
Ehh. Not quite what happened...
More like, over the course of seven hours I painstakingly remade the theme from the handful of low-res screenshots scattered throughout this thread, and created a new .16 compatible config.
That said, while those files are in the repo, the theme itself isn't yet included in the cmakelists. Due to the fact that I remade this from from screenshots and had to re-outline/ redraw things, there are also noticeable differences between the two themes. I couldn't save the background, for example. At any rate, most of the "heavy lifting" has been done but it's up to graphical personnel more skilled than I to finish this, now.

Hedgewars Developer
Oh, I'm sorry... I just saw your commit and assumed you'd managed to find the original. Thanks for your efforts piecing this back together. RoFra did say he might redo the theme at some point, but he doesn't seem to be around lately... or half the community, for that matter.
How about a little surprise?
Cool, thanks! Just in time for .16. ^^
I actually found that I had an old version of the theme, have you updated anything in the past year or so?
RoFra: long time no see!
As claymore says, he actually managed to find a version of your theme before it was apparently lost. It's currently included for release with 0.9.16. Can you send us your info so we can include you in the credits?
Also, have you changed much in the theme recently? I see another golf club, but not sure if there is anything else.
edit: oh, and a BlueWater.png we were missing, also.
If you're keen to develop this great theme more, it would be nice if you added your own LandBackTex and Chunk.png. Currently the theme in repo is using a modified version of the ones from the Nature theme.

Hedgewars Developer
Changes? Hm.. I made some graphical improvements in the sky.png and in the horizont.png. The windshield of the cart is now half-sized. And I added the second golf club and BlueWater.png but you already noticed that
I think that was all.
Here's the new version with chunk.png and landbacktex.png included: http://www.mediafire.com/?zfg5i2atfdtrjtz
Which infos do you need about me?
Nice theme on .16. I like sports and a theme of a sport on my favourite game is just cool. RoFra nice desing
Hedgewars Tournament 2015