"Hedgewars" Map Addition

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Star and Moon
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The map "Hedgewars" seemed boring to me, so I added some stuff to the map,
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-jay-'s picture
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

The map "Hedgewars" seemed boring to me, so I added some stuff to the map, and made a specific theme for it called Hedgetheme.

I agree with you that the "Hedgewars" map is rather boring (it's obvious why it is and why this map exists in the first place).
Populating it with some stuff and a theme seems like a good idea to me Smile

Star and Moon
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-jay- allegedly wrote:

Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

The map "Hedgewars" seemed boring to me, so I added some stuff to the map, and made a specific theme for it called Hedgetheme.

I agree with you that the "Hedgewars" map is rather boring (it's obvious why it is and why this map exists in the first place).
Populating it with some stuff and a theme seems like a good idea to me Smile

I'm gald you like it.
I migy addf some more stufg to the map.

Star and Moon
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OK, This might be a while in the making, but I'm gonna add a giant grenade or bomb or something like that above the hog and about to fall on him.

Star and Moon
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Updated the map, tons of new stuff,


Stuff in the map.

Hedgewars logo.
Hedgewars hedgehog.
Small "Nature" island.
Exploding airplane.
Sheep on a parachute.

Star and Moon
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User offline. Last seen 8 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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I redid Hedgetheme, and it looks much better now, in the background, there's a group of hedgehogs cheering you on.

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