Map and theme: Harbour Heaven
This is highly work in progress, but I thought I'd post it here to get some feedback. This is supposed to be a shoppa map. The terrain is indistructible and you'll need rope to get around. I've used masks to get some depht and the feel of being inside the various tunnels, pipes and buildings. I think I'll add a crane, some more platforms and some more details here and there. The mountains on the right side are not shaded nor outlined yet.
I've used the starfield background from the DeapSpace theme as a layer in my background. I hope that is okay. I'll make my own starfield if not.
Any comments will be highly apreciated.
More (and larger) screenshots:
Map PNG:
Mask PNG:
With reduced quality:
Download Map and theme:
Well, I've commented in IRC before, but, since you invited it here.
I like it, I even like the rainbow sky effect.
I think the line style is well in keeping w/ hedgewars style guidelines too.
I do like the playing with mask, I just think you should make clearer (darkening or fuzzing) which parts of scenery are background where it isn't obvious. In particular I'm thinking of the brown land around the rocks.
Oh, and maybe make some parts of the map destructible. Like the toilet.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
son, i am not disappoint.
Good work.
Awesome, good way to make a first impression!
I've tried making the background darker. Both completely black (a silhouette), and very dark brown. I think very dark brown worked best.
Maybe I should make the skies darker?
Thank you.
Thanks. I apreciate you saying that.
PS: Forgot to mention that the preview-image for the map is all wrong.
I think both black and dark brown aren't as good as the first picture.
Beautiful theme regardless.~
Really cool!
I like the "toilet tunnel"
I also think that the first background was the best one.
I my opinion it should not be darker than the stones in the real background image (far away).
For people opposed to darkening, I hope you try playing it first.
Not knowing what to rope on can be a problem.
Is why the background textures added to maps were darkened before release. (the ones added by Smaxx, that outline an explosion)
Considered fuzzing 'em too, but didn't look good.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
This is one of the best maps ever!

I noticed that your preview was all wrong, so I fixed it for you.
I love it! Good work and the little boat is too cute. It looks like it will be a good shoppa map.
Hey, that looks REALLY good. It keeps to the guidelines and looks polished to. I know I could never make something like that
You should go work on the art side of things with Tiy.
Pit has finaly returned. FINALY.
I love this map!
How did you make the unsolid foreground?
Have you made any other maps?
Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!
The map's using a mask similar to the default Basketball map. This allows you to define non collision (= air), solid ground and indestructible areas.
Ah, I see. THanks
Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!
Thanks, I get it now.
now I can have lots of fun!
Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!
Oh man!

As Star and Moon said, one of the best maps ever!
Good work!
I see mask.png but don't really see how it works.
Nice looking map BTW. Will try when I get home and look at what you have in there to figure out this "mask.png/ =air" thing.
Nevermind, I totally get it now. When Mask.png is present walkable surfaces are defined my mask not map.
Nemo told me, and it's true. If the mask is red it is not detructible, if it's white it is. They can be mixed too.
Wow what a map what a theme..
I wish everyone wud be intrested in mine like youres..
You know what to do now...
please add your xfire accountname here:
Are you planning to make more changes to this map, like adding detail to the upper right rocks?
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Brilliant work.

Hedgewars Developer
-not in .14??????
please add your xfire accountname here:
It's not done yet.
For the record, Mask: Transparent = Air, White = Breakable, Red = Solid :3
Also, I want this map to be finished D: all that pure grey land on the right side is killing my mood xD Also... it would be nice if the game had an option where we could make an actual "background" picture, that wouldn't be like the sky feature, but actually fit the regular picture. For example, you break one of the houses, and below the regular land, there's another picture of the inside of the place.
You can set that in the theme. Its called "landbacktex.png" or something.
Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!
Yeah, but it only works for randomly generated maps. It doesn't work for regular maps that work off a theme
Yes, and if you dont post it into a feature- wishlist there will never be a feature like this;)
please add your xfire accountname here:
Like for the google summer of code.
EDIT: Also if you have given up on this I would like to finish it Kackoo.
Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!
The theme.cfg of the Harbour theme is horribly outdated and doesn’t work well with newer Hedgewars versions. This causes the water to be partially black.
Here is a updated theme.cfg which works for Hedgewars 0.9.20:
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
I created a version of this map that has the unfinished portion clipped off, so it can technically be considered as a complete map.
Download: (Also includes Wuzzy's updated Theme.cfg. Thanks Wuzzy!)
I'll see about getting this on the DLC page.
However I'd love to hear Kakcoo's opinion about this.
Since they neither asked for inclusion in official nor on DLC themselves - as far as I can see.
sheepluva <- me
my code stats ->
a Hedgewars Developer
click here to message me
Not much point in waiting for Kakcoo's opinion, given that he hasn't been heard from in 4½ years. I can't bring myself to believe that people would post their map in this forum, and not want it to be included in some form or other.
Pretty sure he's still alive on, if someone wanted to give him a message.

Hedgewars Developer
Time for a revive... I guess :/
First of all, worth mentioning is that this map is available on in package 'shoppa'
So... I made a remix of this map which i called "Harbour Heaven Infinity v1". Basically I've made the map destructible and some changes to the theme, like I've added back land texture, chunks and diffrent border color, with music of Freeway, because I think it suits it better. I also added Land Texture and Land Border, because I added icons too, so I wanted to have it playable. Yes, the land is copied sky.
The remixed map along with the theme will be avalible in my Match Making package, version 10 and/or further.
The page/person is not available.
oh hi
What do you mean the page is not available? It seems fine to me.
I'm glad you like Hedgewars and want to make content for it, but I find it kind of amusing you just went ahead and changed this guy's content, even including it in one of your packages seemingly without his permission when you have exploded at other users for doing similar behavior in the past.
I really don't think he'd mind, but it seems like a double standard. :/

Hedgewars Developer
KarBoy2314PL, I hope you can now understand why I was pissed off for you being mad at me for basically just copying and renaming your files.
Also: Either it is okay to copy and remix other people's public (!) creations on-the-fly or it isn't. Pick one.
Apart from that, I am glad to see some life in this thread.
PS: I wish more people woudln't consider sharing, copying and remixing as a mortal sin … lol
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
I know :P
oh hi
Hey guys. I totally approve the completion of the map i started on. Sorry for not getting back to you. Life came up.
Hey, no worries. It happens to us all.
Thanks for signing off on this one. It's a nice map.
I'm sure other users would love more of your content, too, if you ever feel in the mood to contribute more :P

Hedgewars Developer
I love this theme! When will you make a DLC of it?