Yet another comics idea

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Lans's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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What about create some short comic strips using game content, without any continous plot, but with a short story in each strip?
Something like that:

Hedgehog is a proud bird: no kick - no flight

Uriah's picture
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Why didn't you use the in game thought bubble?

Lans's picture
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Tiyuri allegedly wrote:

Why didn't you use the in game thought bubble?

I've made it only to my idea. Old screenshot with two hedgehogs standing was taken, and then I've drawn box and bubbles, without launching the game.

P.S. Is there any 'debug' mode, that has no timing, no damage, ability to switch between all units and etc?

Hedgehog is a proud bird: no kick - no flight

Lans's picture
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This one is with in-game speech bubbles Wink Smiley

Hedgehog is a proud bird: no kick - no flight

Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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I like this idea, maybe some I'll so some comics also,

And another thing I can't figure out. How do you do the speech bubbles stuff?

You may see some of my comics this weekend.

Lans's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

I like this idea, maybe some I'll so some comics also,

And another thing I can't figure out. How do you do the speech bubbles stuff?

You may see some of my comics this weekend.

Press t then
"text" for speech bubble
'text' for think bubble
-text- for some other kind of bubble, that is usually used, when characters say something emotional. And Ctrl-c to make a screenshot.

Hedgehog is a proud bird: no kick - no flight

nemo's picture
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just c I think, unless your keyboard layout is odd. no need for "ctrl-c"

Also, I commented on Tiy's frontpage link about it.

Also, if you want to coordinate the screenshot w/ some action there are 3 more that might be useful

/hsa Hog says something
/hta Hog thinks something
/hya Hog yells something

That queues up the text to be triggered the next time the player does an attack (spacebar).

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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