about shotgun

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User offline. Last seen 5 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
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After playing for some time to Hedgewars, I thought that maybe shotgun is too much powerful: what I mean is that it's the only unlimited weapon which can always kill a hedge in two rounds. Moreover, it has a great accuracy (not as bazooka or granades).

An obvious solution is to change the weapons options and to limit the number of shotguns, but it should be considered to change it's amount of damage from 25 to a value between 20 and 24.

What do you think about it? Should we ask Tiyuri to consider a change like this?

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Grenade can also kill in 2 rounds and is unlimited.

A properly placed and lucky cluster can kill a hog w/ around 90hp in one round. That one is admittedly not unlimited, but you do have quite a few.

Most players consider 50hp as the "dead in one round" value.

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User offline. Last seen 5 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
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It's true that a cluster can make a lot of damage if it's "properly placed and lucky", but it is the point: shotgun needs no particular skill or situation to be used;
moreover, since it gives 50 damage, it makes unnecessary any other weapon which can kill in two rounds: it's no use to make 90hp, you need another turn any way.

Obviously, it's just my opinion and it's why I created this post to ask other players what do they think about it...

PS: I've never make 50hp with a granade, I'd be interested in learning how to do it! ^^

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90 damage can be enough if you cause some additional fall damage. Wink Smiley

Grenade should do 50 damage with a perfect hit where the grenade explodes right next (or even better) inside the hog.

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Smaxx allegedly wrote:

90 damage can be enough if you cause some additional fall damage. Wink Smiley

Grenade should do 50 damage with a perfect hit where the grenade explodes right next (or even better) inside the hog.

It's actually pretty easy to make the grenade do 50 points of damage 90% of the times, just walk to the hog, point down and "trow it". It rarely fails and it's a VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY common move. So I must say I would side with anyone who says the max damage of the grenade can be decreased to 49 or 48.
The shotgun is alright since you have to aim twice. (hog is pushed back when shot)

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Agreed. Just about every experienced player uses this weapon often because it's safe and accurate but it's also a boring weapon imo. I prefer to be attacked with a bazooka or bomb more often because it's more exciting to watch your guys blow up Smile

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Hey guys. I was thinking just forbidding throwing a grenade into a hog.
You could place it on top, but that would do same as bazooka - 46.

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User offline. Last seen 12 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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i just think that you must add an tiny xplosion to the place were the shotgun hit ?

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I dunno... I like The Shotgun the way it is, I think is just fine. The fact is, that donno if the damage value reduces if the targe is far away, but I think THAT would be a nice change in the weapon, if not already implemented Mp3!

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