an idea for a defense weapon

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User offline. Last seen 4 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2008-06-20
Posts: 80

co2 fire extinguisher:
- does not end your turn
- affected by wind (same as flame thrower)
- extinguishes fire and makes you safe path out of dangerous situation
- when hits enemy hog, he gets a 'frozen hat' and his next turn his turn time is cut to half (then hat is removed)

User offline. Last seen 14 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 3

Nice idea, what about use it also to create an ice block on water level? So you can walk on water for a moment.

Star and Moon
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User offline. Last seen 3 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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sTiLL allegedly wrote:

Nice idea, what about use it also to create an ice block on water level? So you can walk on water for a moment.

I like this idea, and also, while the hog has on the frozen hat, he/she is slower than normal. Frozen hog!

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