idea: disguise weapon

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User offline. Last seen 4 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
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smoke grenade/smoke shell:
- works like a regular grenade + creates a cloud around the blast point
- cloud disappears after n rounds
- enemy hogs cannot see what happens inside the cloud, team hogs can (it's semi-transparent for them)

User offline. Last seen 14 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
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Great idea!
Eventually make it as self defense weapon - no damage, only smoke but doesn't end the turn...

So I'll use it in friendly area, enemy don't see me, I'll change my position and eventually attack him from this smoke area...OR I'll use it near enemy, he don't see his hedges for 1 turn,or for some time...

Star and Moon
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Nice idea, I was also thinking of a cloaking weapon also, called the "Hidden Device" (By reading the name, it's obviously a utility.) it turns the hog invisible, and when your controlling him, he holds the device so you can see him.

Name suggestion: Cloak Smoke

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