[idea] "stuff" section

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User offline. Last seen 7 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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The stuff section would consist of maps, themes, sounds and the others. There should be some rating system to make it easier to choose some good works for someone that had too much of ingame stuff, but don't want to search for it on forum.

It should be easy to see from the main page. I think that a place in "download" section would be intuitive.

There could also be some state of work information like "finished" or "there is XXX to be done"

It would be really nice for guys that has done the eg. map that doesn't fit the game style but is really great. It couldn't be included in the game but will appear in the stuff section on good position. It would be a huge appreciation.

Sorry for my poor english (or maybe not so poor? hope you at least understand what I mean ;]) and hope you guys would think about something like that. It was the first thought of mine when I've done some maps to post it on some "stuff" section, but there was nothing like that, so I think more people could think like me.

bananaoomarang's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
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I think this has been suggested before and rejected because of issues with whether someone uploads something unsuitible. THere could be a quality control, something like the app store I suppose. Wait for tiyuri or Nemo to answer, they know what's going on and I don't.

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beothorn's picture
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I don't see why anyone could do a site like this unoficially. Smile

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nemo's picture
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Would just like to note that bender314's site fulfills this role, these days.

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