Hedgewars Wikipedia - outdated - help needed
Ok, I'm sure a few of you already noticed the Hedgewars Wikipedia page is kind of... outdated to say the least.
And before anything else I'd like to take this opportunity to ask anyone with Wikipedia documentation editing experience and very fluent in English to please update such an important page if they have the chance and will to do so.
Here are some suggestions of things that could be updated:
- The first 2 sentences make reference to both Wormux and Worms, this really makes Hedgewars sound like "just one more clone". It needs a way better start, pointing good things about Hedgewars like how clean and crisp the visuals are while keeping a consistent visual instead of comparing it.
- Swap the illustrating image available (which is from an old version) with a new, maybe of the Desert theme (this one is very colorful and will surely grab more attention) with 3 or 4 teams, all with different non-country flags @ 1024x768 or close (1024x600, 1280x800 or 1366x768 will also do) resolution. - Feel free to submit your images here! Everyone can participate!
- A Hedgewars release history wouldn't hurt and it would kind of serve as proof that the game is still being actively developed! (think this is already available in a non-english language.
- More references to the weapons that only Hedgewars have and how cool they are, as the current "weapons" part only mentions the "look-alike weapons" you also find in other look-alike games.
- Mention all the different themes and hats!
- Mention the online cross-platform capabilities more!
- Reference to the inclusion of the new Portal Gun in the upcoming .14 version as a tribute to the awesome Portal game!
- Recycle and update the "Reference" links available, at least one doesn't work, and some are way too outdated or just not very relevant.
Thank you for your attention.
I could help with that, I'd also say something about the little codes,
) or /sad (
such as /hurrah (
I think the devs should edit it only.
Yeah, a reference not only to those but to the chat bubbles too!
Very few people know about it, so it would be a nice addition.
Just have to make sure not to turn the Wiki into a tutorial, brief mentions to those will do.
Yeah, why not, the problem still remains to this day.