About downloading the last sources

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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I am trying to download the 0.9.13 sources on Windows, and followed a link to the google code.
I went to this page, but I don't know where to put this command line... I tried the Windows console, but it failed.

Does anyone can help ?


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If you don't know exactly what you are doing (and it sounds like you don't) I would not even start to try building under windows. It is way too complicated.

If you have a linux install, ideally a noob friendly one like ubuntu, I would strongly encourage using that instead.

The commands to run amount to only a few lines that you can copy and paste, without any advanced technical knowledge.

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If you'd like to play current release version (0.9.13) just grab the installer on the download page. It will enable you to run Hedgewars "out of the box". Building isn't THAT hard but it requires at least some programming knowledge as well as multiple tools and libraries (~500 MB downloads, 1-2 GB hard disk space).

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I've got some programming knowledge, got enough hard disk space, and don't want to install a linux distribution to program - I just don't know that well the Windows console. All my pogramming tools are on Windows, and I'm used to them.
I'm playing the current release version, but I want to give a look to the sources. As far as I know hedgewars is an open-source game, so its sources should be accessible from the most used Operating System...

If there are just some tools/libraries to download it's not a problem, I just need to know where (is there any How to compile page ?). By example, for a similar project named Teeworlds there is a little page that tells you where to download the sources and how to build them...

Is it that hard to download a zipped folder on Windows ? Oo

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We include that stuff, sure.

All the dependency information is on the FAQ page. Did you look there first?
It is also in the sources if you had read the INSTALL file. Sources are also linked on the download page.

Your bafflement and initial post suggested unfamiliarity with computers to me, thus my stock reply.

I do think the experience would be better under Linux where setup, build and install is a matter of a few commands, but you are of course free to develop in whatever you wish.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 13 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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Compiling is a secondary problem - first of all I need to find where the hell those sources are. And the last sources aren't on the download page, just very old ones.

Edit: I looked again, the sources on the download page are the 0.9.13 ones, I don't know why when I downloaded them I thought they were outdated.
Thanks Smile

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