1 Suggestion about the site an three weapons suggestion

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beothorn's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
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First, instead of submiting the suggestions on this forum, what about a page were we could upvote an idea.
Something like: Person x give an weapon idea, person y likes the idea and give it thumbs up. The idea now have a field "who likes this" and it's possible to sort the ideas by number of people who liked it. I don't know what is used for the site, a cms or something like this but maybe there is a plugin who already do this...

My weapons suggestions

Baseball bat defense - When used, the hog end its turn and, until next turn, if a grenade or a bazooka shot is thrown at the hog he will deflect the shot with the bat.

improved fire punch - Add an animation to fire punch like those from fight games where the face of the character appears on the side of the screen , the background turns into moving lines and a combo counter appears.

grenade tree - hogs can plant a tree that will grow red grenades in one turn and drop them in the next.

sorry for my english or any other newbish thing on this post Smile

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beothorn's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
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Oh, one more, suicide hog throwing his spines in every direction ( or do this when he dies).

"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Doctor Who

nemo's picture
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Drupal has a number of voting methods.

One that I know they had like 5 years back or more was the ability to set certain kinds of posts/comments as subject to voting. That allowed them to rise/fall in ranking in a particular list.

Dunno. Main issue is that there are a ton of ideas, of various feasibility, but not so many people interested in trying to implement...

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beothorn's picture
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The idea would be not to implement the more popular, to implement it or not is the developers choice Smile . I gave the suggestion so the more popular ideas don't get buried and the unpopular do. And those that find the balance between popularity and feasibility can be implemented.

Is this the one you were talking about? http://drupal.org/project/vote_up_down

And, I realized that I posted the site suggestion on the wrong section too late. Sorry

"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Doctor Who

LennaPengy's picture
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I really like the idea of the grenade tree. That sounds pretty cool Big Grin

User offline. Last seen 7 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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you could create a site at http://shapado.com and then point it to ideas.hedgewars.org Smile

beothorn's picture
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Looks like a stack overflow clone Wink Smiley
Maye this http://area51.stackexchange.com/faq could be good too
Made a question just for fun http://shapado.com/questions/ideas-for-a-new-hedgewars-weapon

Edit: You can't give more than one answer Sad Smiley

"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Doctor Who

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