What IDE do you use to program in pascal
Fri, 2010-07-09 18:29
I've looked through the forum but didn't find any mention to what IDE the developers use to edit the pascal code. Does anyone know or could suggest some good IDEs (preferably for ubuntu)?
"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Doctor Who
Try Codelite. It's very good and it's for Ubuntu (I'm not sure if it's for other platforms). I don't know if it does Pascal though
Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!
kate + make from command line :P
"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Doctor Who
What did you end up using?
Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!
Personally I use vim+gvim, but especially for pascal/fpc there is Lazarus, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lazarus_(software)
I never tried it though.