First Shoppa Tournament

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wolfmarc's picture
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Tournament is getting close, get ready guys, it will be badass!


Here's a resume of yours frequently asked questions, hope this will be helpful:

Question (Q.)
1) What do you mean with :- "Save the demo of your last of 2/3 turns. (Look at the FAQ How can I get my demo?) "?
Answer (A.)
1) To win you must win 2 OUT OF 3 rounds. To prove you won the game, you need to post the last match you played with your opponent.

EG. wolfmarc vs Dj.LisT

1) Dj.LisT won
2) Dj.LisT won

In this case Dj.LisT will post the Demo of the 2) match!

EG. wolfmarc vs Dj.LisT

1) wolfmarc won
2) Dj.LisT won
3) wolfmarc won

In that case I will post the Demo of the 3) match!


2) Is this tournament restricted to Pro. players?


2)NO, This tournament is OPEN to all the people desire to join, doesn't matter if you are Pro or n00b, there won't be differences from the playes. More people will join this tournament more happy we will be. What are you waiting for? sign up !! … aw right we got to wait until October 2nd , was forgetting this Annoyed


3) what map are we playing in?


3)Ropes map, with borders. your teams composed of 4 hedgehogs each, don't forget to refresh the map every match you play.


4)How about disabling teleport as well?

4) First of all be sure to remove from the weapon set the following weapons: Hellish hand-grenade, Ballgun and Watermelon bomb. Teleport must not be taken off, in this way it will be the same as regular shoppa. As claymore wrote, you can start your turn by pressing f9 then f8 to be sure you select the rope. Anyways rolling down the page there's an img of the regular shoppa weapon-set for this tournament.

5)What about the new weapons which will come in 0.9.14 (especially portal-gun and sine gun)?
5)This Tournament belongs to version 0.9.13 of Hedgewars, you must use just weapons in this current version(.13). Failure to do so will lead to disqualification.

6)What happens if player_1 wins the first match, player_2 wins the second and the third match is a draw? Will they have to play another round?
6)Exactly, a bit improbable but yes if the 3rd match is a draw you'll play a the 4th one and so on.

If you have any more questions or doubts, please write them here as a comment, so allbody can know the answer, this will help us to not answer at the same question lot of times (especially when we are playing).

Good Day.


-------------------------------------Tournament Rules----------------------------------------------------

Hey it's wolfmarc! How is your summer going guys?


With this update we are going to tell you the sign up period, and the instructions about how to play your shoppa games for this tournament!

  1. We discussed about the way to pair up opponents, and we decided that it's better to decide them randomly (to be sure won't find people outside my house waiting to kill me with a melon bomb on their hands :P), using a program that Dj.LisT made just for us!(*img_1.0). [get angry with fate]


  2. Let's talk about signing up, you must sign up for the tournament between October 2nd to October 16th. How to do it? It's simple, you just need to comment this post with your Hedgewars name (please do it when the sign up period is open, we will ignore people that will comment this post before October 2nd) like that:


    I want to be in, wolfmarc.

    No late entries! talking to you Roz. (I don't care how stoned you'll be)
    Obviously to post comments in the forum you need to signed in(hopefully with your Hedgewars name)!

  3. We will announce who is playing against who on October 18th (Bribes accepted). You will then have one week (October 18th – 24th) to play your game. Save the demo of your last of 2/3 turns. (Look at the FAQ How can I get my demo?)

  4. To prove the scores of your round, you must submit the demo recording to us by the end of the 24th October. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification. Demos must be posted in a topic we will open when the tournament will be started! How to do it? Just upload your demo in one of the free host websites like ( or we suggest you these websites because they are reliable) and post the link as a comment in the forum with the name of the winner. Like the below example:


    winner: Dj.LisT.

    We will watch all your demos and update the scores with a graphical leader board weekly.

  5. After the week has passed (October 18th – 24th), we will update the tournament standings every week to show you with who are you going to play next! (Again bribes accepted)

  6. Remember to tell your partner to use for the time of their play( we tested it and it's really useful trust me!).

  7. Unfortunately due to the untimely death of several hogs the following wepons will not be included: Watermelon Bomb, Hellish Hand-Grenade and the fabled ballgun. Anybody who uses these wepons will lose the match (yes all 3 games) by default.To save the issue of 'unfair weapon pickups', we reccomend you make a custom shoppa game-mode with these weapons not in the crates. [R.I.P Pupser] Melon Hellish Hand Grenade

Now, Let's talk about the PRIZES! Big Grin

There will be 3 prizes for all the people that enter in this tournament! Not just for the winners

Hmm... let's keep the secret for a while more Aghh

See you in October! And have a good summer!

wolfmarc, Dj.LisT, Blue

If you have any doubts/questions comment this post with your question, and me, Dj.LisT, Blue will reply asap!

I’d like to give additional thanks to Dragonfly ("Joshua 'Dragonfly' O'Sullivan for helping out.

Hope to see you all enter the tournament!


Q.Who's going to win?

A. STFU! Pee?

-----------------------posted on Sat, 07/17/2010 - 16:47---------------------------------------------------

1st Post.

Hello, it was long time that I was thinking about to organize a tournament of Shoppa! Here I am with the right mood to do it!


Brought to you by wolfmarc, Dj.LisT, Blue (and of course, N8theGr8)

  1. There will be TWO weeks to sign up for the tournament! (Carpe Diem!)
  2. All matches will be played on the ROPES map! (Sorry Pupser, no ShapeShoppa)
  3. Everyone who signs up can play! (For ppl under 18 the presence of a parent is required :P)
  4. If you sign up, you must post a DEMO of one of your games to give Wolfmarc , Blue and DJ.LisT an idea of who is as good as you (*I will teach you how and where to get it! *) [rule changed!]
  5. Each game to be considered valid must be watched at least from one of the organizers: Wolfmarc, Claymore, DJ.LisT (beware of imitations!)
  6. Spectators ARE allowed but do NOT spamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspam the chat (It’s annoying, isn’t it?)
  7. To win you must win 2 OUT OF 3 rounds. (NOT JUST 1! If you only play one, Rozum-cz will BOMB you!)
  8. If you disconnect during the middle of a game, your opponent will win by default! (Don’t be a quitter!)
  9. Good luck and make sure to DO A BARREL ROLL!


When will the tournament start?

It will be done in the month of October (do not take commitments!)

When will we know who we play?

The week after the end of signup (we need to see all the DEMOS you post)

Why do we have to post a DEMO?

Demos will help us to make the right choices while doing the pairings! (fairly as possible!)

How can I get my DEMO?

First of all play your game! All game are saved until you play another one.

NOW it's saved!

Windows users:

To pick it you need to go on


Linux users:


Mac users:

(Name of your Computer)/Library/Application Support/Hedgewars/Demos

We will give you more info about the signup period and other stuff in August!

That's enough for now!

Good day to you sirs!

wolfmarc, DJ.LisT, Blue, N8theGr8!

The PROT(Fart) team FTW!

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i'll participate Smile

nemo's picture
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FYI, if you don't want to have to remember to save LastRound, enable timestamping of demos in configuration, then each demo gets a new name.

... and I might want to join in on a shoppa tournmanent (esp if it included a w/o borders version on Islands map / template) but I'd really like to see a regular version too - I hope someone obliges.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

wolfmarc's picture
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Good day to you,

I just want to warn you before posting the august update that we won't need demos to pair up opponents.

We are discussing some final things and then I'll post the update.


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STARS1 I want to take part in the tilt!!!


spanish yo no entiendo lo del soborno yo no quiero jugar con sobornos :S

wolfmarc's picture
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Please read CAREFULLY the rules.

2. Let's talk about signing up, you must sign up for the tournament between October 2nd to October 16th. How to do it? It's simple, you just need to comment this post with your Hedgewars name (please do it when the sign up period is open, we will ignore people that will comment this post before October 2nd)

stars1 Sleepy Smiley you are a little bit early!


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♫ DJ. LisT ♫
♫ DJ. LisT ♫'s picture
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STARS1 I want to take part in the tilt!!!

2) Inscripcion: Debes inscribirte para el torneo entre el 2 y el 16 de octubre. ¿como te inscribis? Es simple, solo debes comentar este post con tu nombre en el HedgeWars. (Porfavor, hazlo cuando el periodo de inscripcion comience, y no antes. Ignoraremos tus solicitudes antes de 2 de octubre.)

Cairo's picture
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What do you mean "Save the demo of your last of 2/3 turns. (Look at the FAQ How can I get my demo?) "?

Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!

User offline. Last seen 14 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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Tournament is only for top level? or also fine roppers can join?

he's 21 and he has no life! playing pc games all day! get a job gaymarc

♫ DJ. LisT ♫
♫ DJ. LisT ♫'s picture
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also fine roppers can join?

Anyone who wants can join, althoug it doesn't have much chance of winning. Wink Smiley

wolfmarc's picture
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althoug it doesn't have much chance of winning.

Lawl. Come on LisT don't be rude :P, Shoppa it's not just skills, strategy is fundamental on it. well, I will be more clear :

1st post 7rule: To win you must win 2 OUT OF 3 rounds. To prove you won the game, you need to post the last match you played with your opponet Wink Smiley

EG. wolfmarc vs Dj.LisT

1) Dj.LisT won
2) Dj.LisT won

He will post the Demo of the 2) match!

EG. wolfmarc vs Dj.LisT

1) wolfmarc won
2) Dj.LisT won
3) wolfmarc won

I will post the Demo of the 3) match!

and YES allbody can play ! More people will join it more happy we will be! Big Grin


The PROT(Fart) team FTW!

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diablo i want to enter

he's 21 and he has no life! playing pc games all day! get a job gaymarc

Dragonfly's picture
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Diablo, are you unable to read?
Two other people didn't read before you, but now it is just plain obvious that YOU DIDNT read this thread.

please do it when the sign up period is open, we will ignore people that will comment this post before October 2nd

For those who really need to know, that date is a Saturday. It is also OVER A MONTH AWAY

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haha sorry i got confused by stars

he's 21 and he has no life! playing pc games all day! get a job gaymarc

User offline. Last seen 1 year 16 weeks ago. Offline
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Is parachute allowed? I've gotten used to depending on it Smile

wolfmarc's picture
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Is parachute allowed? I've gotten used to depending on it

Hi sektor. This is Shoppa Weapon set w/o (without) watermelon bomb, hellish hand-grenade and ballgun

Do you really need a parachute in Shoppa-mode? Deagle!


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♫ DJ. LisT ♫
♫ DJ. LisT ♫'s picture
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Sektor: Is parachute allowed?

Wolfmarc: Do you really need a parachute in Shoppa-mode?

hahaha, why do you want to use a parachute in SHOPPA? Big Grin

nemo's picture
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Quick landings I would imagine...

So, you guys planning to have a "shoppa without borders" on the Islands map or Whacky Islands template?

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Mrock's picture
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Can we jump on the toilet while playing? Big Grin

♫ DJ. LisT ♫
♫ DJ. LisT ♫'s picture
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Can we jump on the toilet while playing?

I should not answer this. But yes, you can do that MrockSmile

wolfmarc's picture
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So, you guys planning to have a "shoppa without borders" on the Islands map or Whacky Islands template?

Hi nemo. 1st post 2) All matches will be played on the ROPES map! Hopefully refreshing your map every match.
ropes map must have borders.


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User offline. Last seen 14 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
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haha nice guys that you are going to do a shoppa tournament. but i think it is better to upload ALL videos, e.g. :
me vs dj list:
dj list won
dj list won
me won
i will upload the 3rd video and you will trust me, that i won ( in this case not, b-cuz dj list is a "mod" of the tournament, but when 2 nonames play against each other, then you could make it like that) and then there is an untrue winner still in the tournament,
hope i helped Wink Smiley in btw : .hedgekiller. , i want to join :PP
no i know the rules Big Grin
and dj : i want to have a 3rd shoppa video, that i also can be in one of that. i just missed the 2nd, because of vacations.

nice greetings .hedgekiller.

wolfmarc's picture
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haha nice guys that you are going to do a shoppa tournament. but i think it is better to upload ALL videos, e.g. :
me vs dj list:
dj list won
dj list won
me won
i will upload the 3rd video and you will trust me, that i won ( in this case not, b-cuz dj list is a "mod" of the tournament, but when 2 nonames play against each other, then you could make it like that) and then there is an untrue winner still in the tournament,
hope i helped in btw : .hedgekiller. , i want to join :PP
no i know the rules
and dj : i want to have a 3rd shoppa video, that i also can be in one of that. i just missed the 2nd, because of vacations.

Hi hedgekiller. I'm the HEART of this tournament. thanks for your tips but we don't need suggestions. I am working hard and i know what to do.

.hedgekiller. , i want to join :PP

sure you read all the rules?

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szczur's picture
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have you read all of his post?

.hedgekiller. allegedly wrote:
hope i helped Wink Smiley in btw . i want to join :PP
no i know the rules Big Grin

Press any key to continue, or any other key to cancel.

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yes, i know i said it for fun. :P
and wolfmarc: good luck Wink Smiley

nice greetings .hedgekiller.

Uriah's picture
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It took me far too long to clean up this thread, Dex has been banned.
Do me a favour though guys, next time someone decides to troll, just ignore them. That way I can just ban them and not clean up all the responses too. They're just children.

wolfmarc's picture
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Thanks Tiy.


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Dragonfly's picture
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Tiyuri allegedly wrote:

It took me far too long to clean up this thread, Dex has been banned.
Do me a favour though guys, next time someone decides to troll, just ignore them. That way I can just ban them and not clean up all the responses too. They're just children.

Alright, no worries. I'll keep quiet next time. Smile

Thanks again.

♫ DJ. LisT ♫
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Sad Smiley still dont know what was the mutter with Dex. I just saw 18 notifications in my email about new comments here :S Dex: i think here is not the right place to discuss some kind of personal opinions. And much less irritations.

Blitzmerker's picture
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how about disabling teleport as well? It is really annoying starting the turn with F8 and getting Teleport.
What about the new weapons which will come in 0.9.14 (especially portal-gun and sine gun)?


llapingachos's picture
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I'll be in ofc. And btw, hey there claymore, DJ, blitz and hedgekiller ! Haven't seen you in a looong time.


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Hey llapingachos, I wondered where you'd got to. This is shaping up to be a really tough competition!

@Blitz: Not sure about the .14 weapons, or what we'll do if .14 arrives before October (I'm banking against it). Will have to speak to wolf. Wrt teleport, I always start my turns with F9 and then F8 to avoid this problem. Smile

♫ DJ. LisT ♫
♫ DJ. LisT ♫'s picture
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I always start my turns with F9 and then F8 to avoid this problem

good idea ! :P

wolfmarc's picture
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Hi Blitzmerker, I've just updated the thread with FAQs, in which there is also the answer to your question(number 4 and 5), that I found really interesting and important as well. With your questions you will help us to be more clear. thanks.


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Blitzmerker's picture
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Hi Wolfmark, just because I asked the questions they are already "frequently asked"? XD

About your "How can I get my DEMO?" tutorial:
You might also want to mention that by setting "Append date and time to record file name", all replays will be saved and not the one you just played (or observed).


PS: what is that unicode string ⬌w¤§@ behind my Nick for?

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nice organisation guys. but i don't understand the thing with the video .. Sad Smiley
when i play a match : me vs another
first match i won
second match i won
third match i lost.
which videos i have to put in?

nice greetings .hedgekiller.

Mrock's picture
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Hi .hedgekiller., if a player win the first 2 matches the tird match will not hapend.

Eg: Player 1 vs Player 2

First match: Player 1 won
Second match: Player 1 won

You upload the second match

Regards, Mrock

wolfmarc's picture
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.hedgekiller. wrote:

nice organisation guys.


what mrock wrote up here it's basically right.
If you win 2 matches you don't need to play the 3rd. In this case you'll upload the 2nd match.(Obviously the Demo I mean)
if you win one match and your opponent win the 2nd one there will be a draw, in that case you have to play another match(3rd) and the winner of that match will post it. (the Demo again)

hope to have helped.


The PROT(Fart) team FTW!

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aaa ok. th>< Smile

nice greetings .hedgekiller.

Blitzmerker's picture
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What happens if player 1 wins the first match, player 2 the second and the third match is a draw? Will they have to play another round?


wolfmarc's picture
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What happens if player 1 wins the first match, player 2 the second and the third match is a draw? Will they have to play another round?


Exactly, a bit improbable but yes if the 3rd match is a draw you'll play a the 4th one and so on.


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so we only upload the last match?


wolfmarc's picture
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Q: so we only upload the last match?

A: yes, sir.


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Randy's picture
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Ok that's great idea, but one wonders who should raise the demo of the last match the loser or the winner and where upload.
Thanks for your attention!

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Blue's picture
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To prove the scores of your round, you must submit the demo recording to us by the end of the 24th October. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification. Demos must be posted in a topic we will open when the tournament will be started! How to do it? Just upload your demo in one of the free host websites like ( or we suggest you these websites because they are reliable) and post the link as a comment in the forum with the name of the winner. Like the below example:


winner: Dj.LisT.

We will watch all your demos and update the scores with a graphical leader board weekly

Also the winner must be the one to post the thread as the loser should have no motivation to post it.

wolfmarc's picture
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Exactly! so: 1) The winner will post the Demo. 2) we will open a thread just forpeau Demos when the tournament will start!


The PROT(Fart) team FTW!

User offline. Last seen 14 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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what with the demo ? u deleted a few lines about it

he's 21 and he has no life! playing pc games all day! get a job gaymarc

Blue's picture
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Diablo...Shhhh just wait.

wolfmarc's picture
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Blue wrote:

Diablo...Shhhh just wait.


anyways Diablo! it's all written, if you read carefully the entire thread you'll find out the answer of your questions!

Peace man.


The PROT(Fart) team FTW!

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why letting an italian tard to mange it

he's 21 and he has no life! playing pc games all day! get a job gaymarc

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btw, 4+ players not joining cuz of Blue

he's 21 and he has no life! playing pc games all day! get a job gaymarc

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