When will we see Piano strikes and Portal Guns in game?

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Tazman's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
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I've been playing the game for a long while now, and I haven't seen a single content update asides from demos. Personally I find this is kind of disappointing.

Any idea when we'll actually be able to use these awesome weapons and such ourselves?

Smaxx's picture
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You might just forget that we develop this game in our spare time. Sometimes we just don't have any time or simply want to play something as well. Wink Smiley

There are still some things to be done for the next release but depending on your operating system you could as well try to build a development snapshot (uploading a new precompiled one for Windows right now).

I'd love to work on Hedgewars for a living and present you new things every week but who'd pay that? Smile

bananaoomarang's picture
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Tazman allegedly wrote:

I've been playing the game for a long while now, and I haven't seen a single content update asides from demos. Personally I find this is kind of disappointing.

Any idea when we'll actually be able to use these awesome weapons and such ourselves?

If you want new content, someone has to code it. No reason why this can't be you if you really want some new content added.

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Koda's picture
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Tazman allegedly wrote:

Any idea when we'll actually be able to use these awesome weapons and such ourselves?

when they are ready

bananaoomarang's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
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Koda allegedly wrote:

Tazman allegedly wrote:

Any idea when we'll actually be able to use these awesome weapons and such ourselves?

when they are ready

or of course when he ukks the latest source and compiles it.

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bananaoomarang's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 82

Koda allegedly wrote:

Tazman allegedly wrote:

Any idea when we'll actually be able to use these awesome weapons and such ourselves?

when they are ready

or of course when he pulls the latest source and compiles it.

Pit has finaly returned. FINALY.

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