don't have light icons next to nick in new qt4.7

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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I upgrade my kde/qt from ubuntu repository to ppa:kubuntu-beta/ppa and now I don't have light icons next to nick in lobby. Without this icons I don't know who's ready or not. I rebuild game with new version qt (4.7) but do nothink. It is game bug ? How can I help to fix it?

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same here with qt 4.7 and arch linux

nemo's picture
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Well, if Qt changes some code that worked before, I fail to see how that is a game bug.

Also, Qt 4.7 has not been released so it would be foolish to code towards it.

If you get errors using a snapshot of a development SDK I'd say you're getting what you deserve. Smile

Anyway, if it is something they are definitely deprecating, I guess we'll just have to change too.
Lemme know if you find something, targetting development libs is not something I personally am too worried about.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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btw qt 4.7.0 seems to be the stable qt release.. meantime i just downgraded to qt 4.6.3

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Yeah, you're right. Was released on the 21st - I missed that.

Fiiine, guess we need to look at it :-p

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Found the problem. Fixing.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Diff against 0.9.13 below, for your own patching purposes.

Index: chatwidget.cpp
--- chatwidget.cpp (revision 3553)
+++ chatwidget.cpp (working copy)
@@ -151,17 +151,17 @@

if(ignoreList.contains(nick, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
- item->setIcon(QIcon(showReady ? (item->data(Qt::UserRole).toBool() ? ":/res/chat_ignore_on" : ":/res/chat_ignore_off") : ":/res/chat_ignore.png"));
+ item->setIcon(QIcon(showReady ? (item->data(Qt::UserRole).toBool() ? ":/res/chat_ignore_on.png" : ":/res/chat_ignore_off.png") : ":/res/chat_ignore.png"));
else if(friendsList.contains(nick, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
- item->setIcon(QIcon(showReady ? (item->data(Qt::UserRole).toBool() ? ":/res/chat_friend_on" : ":/res/chat_friend_off") : ":/res/chat_friend.png"));
+ item->setIcon(QIcon(showReady ? (item->data(Qt::UserRole).toBool() ? ":/res/chat_friend_on.png" : ":/res/chat_friend_off.png") : ":/res/chat_friend.png"));
- item->setIcon(QIcon(showReady ? (item->data(Qt::UserRole).toBool() ? ":/res/chat_default_on" : ":/res/chat_default_off") : ":/res/chat_default.png"));
+ item->setIcon(QIcon(showReady ? (item->data(Qt::UserRole).toBool() ? ":/res/chat_default_on.png" : ":/res/chat_default_off.png") : ":/res/chat_default.png"));
item->setForeground(QBrush(QColor(0xff, 0xcc, 0x00)));

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 5 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 4

patched, thanks a lot! bye

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